Just like the Scribes and the Pharasis, adding to what was written!! DISGUSTING!! Let them be ACCURSED!
Lady Liberty
by RR 104 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Just like the Scribes and the Pharasis, adding to what was written!! DISGUSTING!! Let them be ACCURSED!
Lady Liberty
Holding hands or hugging during prayer is just TOO EMOTIONAL for the FDS.
You know, love your brothers and sisters, but only in the ways WE tell you to.
You may pay the mortgage, and suffer thru unemployment, and family troubles, but we are here in New York, on your dime, and we don't want you to express an honest emotion.
**see rules against regular get togethers, large get togethers, regular sports activities
Perverts that sneak a peak at me squeezing a little extra joy out of my wife's buttocks during the prayer should be hauled before a JC for pornea.
Damn it, just hold hands and get df'd if u have to
Oh my god what perverts the Governing Body are, so, I guess me and my wife and my mom who is ninety years cannot hold hands during prayer over our evening meal any more. Well the Witnesses can pound sand where the sun don’t shine. I should have got out of that cult forty years ago.
It is funny to look at this now from the other side of the fence and see how ridiculous it is.
Oh, and if that was a direct quote from a WTBTS article, an organization piously claiming respect for God should have capitalized the "H" on the word "him" in the last line.
This reminds me of the time when me and my wife where "counseled" to stop reading in the same bible and WT that we should each have our own and when my wife was told that she loved me more then she loved Jehober aka the WT and that was a big no no.
really? isn't hand holding an act of love and unity??? I think there causing themselves big issues with this one. What ARE you supposed to do with you hands? stand head bowed military pose? Stick them in your pants??
Micro management. They love micro management. They want you worried to death all the time over any little thing.
In the Catholic and Episcopal Churches, many congregations hold hands during The Lord's Prayer.
A picture's worth 1000 somethings:
Posted by AnnOMaly a coule months ago on this thread: