Aguest, Sorry if I offended you
Offended me? Dear one, no. Certainly not. And if I gave you that impression (though I don't know how I could have), I apologize. I am not offended. I am CURIOUS, though, as to why you failed to respond to anything I was directed to ask you. And still fail, yet. Do you think posting entire chapters from the Psalms is a RESPONSE? Dear one, if that were true, then ALL of mankind could just read the Psalms… and "get it," no?
Is it not with YOUR mouth that you make PUBLIC declaration… for YOUR salvation? Or is it with someone else's? You have been addressed publicly. Your faith has been questioned. You should PLEASE feel free… to respond publicly. I have given you the reason and basis for MY faith. I ask you… publicly… what is the basis for YOURS and on what are you substantiating that?
As for "fighting" for our faith, I must ask you to look up the Greek word here (which word is not accurate, either, for Jude was first written in Aramaic, then translated to Greek)… which word is epagonizomai, which means "contend."
Here, the word you use indicates that we must "fight" with others over our faith and you use that to substantiate what you write (okay, cut and paste) here. But that is not at all what Jude meant. HE meant… WE need to do all WE can… "earnestly contend" (as in remain steadfast so as to finish the contest and WIN)… so as not to LOSE… our faith.
Why this exhortation? He explained: "certain men have slipped in…" He describes their conduct (which, given some of the conduct revealed by WTBTS "elders" and others over the past few years, shouldn't be a surprise)… but ALSO states:
"These… are the rocks HIDDEN below water in your love feasts… while they feast WITH you… SHEPHERDS… that feed THEMSELVES… without fear; WATERLESS clouds carried this way and that by winds (ummmm… can you spell "tacking"??); trees in LATE autumn, FRUITLESS, having died TWICE, have been UPROOTED (yet, they were still IN the congregation, weren't they?); wild waves of the sea that foam up their OWN causes for shame; stars… with NO set court… for which the blackness of darkness (hopefully, you read the post regarding Isaiah 29:13, 14. If so, you will recognize who these are!) stands preserved… forever.
But let's say, for the sake of argument, that the word IS "fight." Dear one, YOU… are fighting HERE. But the admonishment is that "certain men" have slipped in… THE CONGREGATION. THIS is not the congregation of God. This is a public meeting place where EVERYONE is welcome… including but not limited to those of that Congregation. I am here, but not all share my faith… or even my hope. I do not consider this the Congregation of the Firstborn. It is merely a "synagogue," a public meeting place… where ones can come and SPEAK… about God… about the Bible… about the prophets… about Christ… about sects… and cults… and everyday life… and… and.
Even so, YOU believe such congregation is the WTBTS. So, then, why aren't you looking THERE for such "men." You aren't… because, you still don't "get it."
Good Lordy, dear pjschipper - get your head… and your heart… out of the butt cracks of the leaders of the WTBTS… so that you can TAKE A BREATH (you know, receive a little holy spirit, the breath of God)… and WAKE UP. SO as to "pay attention."
Enjoy that "wormwood."
My peace remains.
A slave of Christ,