The struggle against the immediae danger from false teachers

by mrsjones5 196 Replies latest jw friends

  • mrsjones5

    I totally understand Shelby.

  • beksbks

    Charlie Cheddar, aren't you tired of being taught? I say we present info and points of view, and then put the effort in to sorting it out ourselves. I don't need someone to interpret for me.

    I know how your feelings affect your decisions, and so much more so our loving father, who wants us to all join together in praise to his lofty name. And praise him for all his wonderful works.

    Ok this has always bugged me. If "God" is perfect, why is he so egotistical??

  • Farkel

    Dear Shelby,

    People are ganging up on you and THAT pisses me off. (Nevermind that I used to gang up on you more than anyone. If you accuse me of that, I will deny it. Of course.)

    But, you DO draw a lot of controversy towards yourself.. The "God talks to me personally" stuff is a good example. God doesn't personally talk to me, and if there is anyone so screwed up that he needs God to talk to him personally and straighten him out, I'm it.

    I suspect that for those who don't get to have God talk to them personally, they might really get pissed off that God chose YOU and not them. I'm pretty pissed off about that and told you so face-to-face. Remember?

    Still, I am not happy that people are messing with you, because I am and will always be your true and ever-faithful friend.

    Farkel, True Friend CLASS

  • garyneal

    Wow, this thread went for twelve pages. I hope you're counting your time on this one PJS, this should really impress the elders of your congregation.

  • shamus100

    Oh Farkel,

    How you you be so disingenuous?

  • LouBelle

    Thank you for sharing that little bit - I am sure that you are sincere in your JW path, I was once too. May the spirit of Christ truly lead you and not men!

  • AGuest

    Dearest pjschipper... may you have peace! Sorry, I was away and didn' see your question (which I believe was on another thread... and have now responded to).

    Dear, dear Daddy-O... THANK you for your loyalty and love (you, too, dear OUTLAW), but I don't see where anyone is ganging up on me (at least, not on the threads I've opened thus far tonigh... er, this morning). Even if they are, you know I can't concern myself with that - I'm just the messenger: they will hear... or refrain. I am MUCH more concerned about disappointing the One who sent me... and trusts me to speak just as he directs me. And... yes, I recall your... ummmm... "ire." I also recall that I told you that He DOES speak to you (He speaks to everyone)... but that it's YOU who aren't listening (again, dear one, it's ALWAYS us - it's NEVER Him. The time will come when you will understand that.)

    But, as always... I am your dear servant... and so ready and willing to help you at least make a connection. YOU... should start by ASKING... in all sincerity and with a proper motive and condition of heart... for ears to hear. Psalm 40:6; Hebrews 10:5

    "sacrifice and offering you did NOT delight in (get that, pjschipper?), but you prepared a BODY for me; these ears of mine YOU excavated[opened up] for me."

    What does that mean? Well, although it initially applied to my Lord... and later, to his disciples, including me, it means... well, perhaps your "ears" are clogged, rendering you "deaf." Unable to hear. Mine apparently were. And HE, the Most Holy of Israel... opened them (by means of Christ, who granted me some of God's holy spirit), so I could HEAR HIM. So, you need Him to OPEN THEM UP FOR YOU... so that you can hear. You know,, "prepare YOUR body." That is, if you TRULY wish it. I ask it for you... and many, many others here... all the time "May those with ears to hear... if you wish it... etc., etc., etc.).

    Dearest Josie... again, I "see" you, dear one... and I thank you. Truly!

    May you ALL have peace!

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


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