Golly, I feel like a householder. You're counting time here, aren't ya?
The struggle against the immediae danger from false teachers
by mrsjones5 196 Replies latest jw friends
The vessels found in the congregation are made out of plastic--they are so sensitive to damage that just looking at them is enough to "stumble" them. Whereas, people that become fully integrated in their thinking are like vessels made out of solid rhodium (the rarest and most precious of the precious metals)--Jesus and Satan are among these.
These scriptures that you quote have been used many times in centuries past to prove that the people then living were in the Biblical "End Time" .
I see no reason to believe they are any more applicable now than then. You are in good company William Blake, Nostradamus, the Heavens Gate Cult,
all saw NOW as the time of the end,oh and those great prophets, jehovah's Witnesses-WT.
It bothers me not one whit if the "End " comes tomorrow or in a million years time, my salvation is firmly in the hands of my Lord ,Jesus Christ, and any adverse judgement is reserved for his enemies,so of what interest to me is the "End Time" ?
AK - Jeff
The struggle against the immediae danger from false teachers
No struggle here! I found out the Watchtower was a pack of lies/liars/false teachers. I left. Problem solved. Why struggle? Just say no, and get out! And I don't mean in 'service'. How much time do you count for writing this? At least an hour. Two if you took a nice coffee/donut break I suppose.
lifelong humanist
I don't know you, nor can I fathom your reason to be here...
I suppose that your threads are mostly uninteresting to the majority of people on this forum. Perhaps you just haven't grasped the fact that most posters here have (or are about to) quit the JW cult thing and have moved on with their lives since leaving?
If you want to continue to play JW political games with JWs themselves, please contact them directly and stop posting on this site!
Many thanks
lifelong humanist
I think that before someone posts a verse or two from a book/letter, they shoudl read AT LEAST the whole chapter they are quoting from, but perferably the WHOLE book/letter.
It would open the eyes of many people.
angel eyes
Thats so nicely said Pj, a nice witness to all. Thankyou
AH, so all it takes to witness to people is to cut-n-past a few verse from the NT ?
Add to the end of it YOUR version of what YOU THINK it meant, regardless of what the inspired writer originally meant?
Wow, that was easy !
About the only part of PJS writing that was correct was:
2 Timothy 2:26 ;3:1-9 Remind them of this; and tell them in the name of God that there must be no wrangling about words: all that this ever achieves is the destruction of those who are listening. Make every effort to present yourself before God as a proven worker who has no need to be ashamed, but who keeps the message of truth on a straight parh. Have nothing to do with godless philosophical discussions--they only lead further and further away from true religion. Talk of this kind spreads corruption like gangrene, as in the case of Hymenaeus and Philetus, the men who have gone astray from the truth, claiming that the resurrection has already taken place. They are upsetting some people's faith.
Sounds like the WT. They wrangle over words, twisiting the Greek and Hebrew to fit their doctrines. All of their doctrines are made by the Gov Body in close sessions, as godless philosophical discussion...as Ray Franz account showed the Bible is rarely consulted. They gov body, like Hymenaus and Philetus have gone astray from the truth, claiming the first resurrection already occured in 1918. And they have upset the faith of many.
and here I thought the witness was supposed to be of the Gospel. This must be another gospel...like the one's Paul addressed in Gal 1:8:
But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to what we have preached to you, he is to be accursed!