Some governing body dishonesty on this:
Acts 5:42:
42 And every day in the temple and from house to house they continued without letup teaching and declaring the good news about the Christ, Jesus.
Acts 2:46:
46 And day after day they were in constant attendance at the temple with one accord, and they took their meals in private homes and partook of food with great rejoicing and sincerity of heart,
Both verses contain the IDENTICAL Greek word, rendered differently however. The GB wants Acts 5;42 to bolster their teaching on door to door so they render it as house to house and assert they disciples went knocking on each and every door to preach. However, the translate the identical term differently in 2:46...otherwise a JW could see that house to house does not necessarily mean knocking on each door in a row of homes. Obviously the disciples did not go to each and every door in a row of homes eating a meal and worshipping. it is specifically the homes of beleivers. Neither translation is incorrect. What the Wt is doing is dishonest, in tayloring the translation to make it fit their doctrine and making it teach what they want it to teach.