25% of the World is Muslim?

by leavingwt 68 Replies latest social current

  • leavingwt
    Personally, I have absolutely no problem with Muslims and don't feel the need to preach against them.

    I've only known one Muslim, personally. He was my boss and was about the nicest human being I've ever worked with. He was a veteran of the U.S. military and just a great guy.

    Again, I don't care what people believe. I care what they do.

  • beksbks
    What other options do we have? On what basis would I tell Osama that he is not a Muslim?

    Hehe that's what I get for trying to hurry. I mean can we say that any religion that uses the bible as it's basis is considered christian? And does the same hold true for the koran? If so, then there must be as much of a variety of muslims in the world as there are christians.

  • leavingwt
    Hehe that's what I get for trying to hurry. I mean can we say that any religion that uses the bible as it's basis is considered christian? And does the same hold true for the koran? If so, then there must be as much of a variety of muslims in the world as there are christians.


    I don't think Osams is the "face" of Islam, any more than David Duke is the face of Christianity.

    All brands are not the same.

  • beksbks

    Exactly! It's so nice to converse with someone intelligent, respectful and interested in a dialogue LWT. Hugs on you man.

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    It's so nice to converse with someone intelligent, respectful and interested in a dialogue


  • shamus100


    Don't do coke. It's not good for you.

  • beksbks

    Snort all you want to Doe, won't make you correct.

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    Snort all you want to Doe, won't make you correct.

    That's true. I'm correct because I'm right.

  • beksbks

    Uhh yea

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    Uhh yea

    Say it again.

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