25% of the World is Muslim?

by leavingwt 68 Replies latest social current

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    If we open the Old Testament of the Bible, it tells us to murder our children, if they are disobedient. So, most Christians read this, then interpret this (however they do it) and decide that these instructions do not apply to them, and they ignore this command.

    With the Koran, it instructs the Muslim to slaughter the Infidel. So, most Muslims then interpret this (however they do it) and decide that it does not apply to them, and they ignore this command.

    When Osama bin Laden kills Infidels, it's not because he interpreted anything, it's because he read the Koran and it told him to do so. It's there in black and white. No interpretation is needed. (It would be exactly the same scenario if a Bible-believing person stoned their child.)

    I understand your post better now. Thank you :) However, there is some correction. Muslims do not see any portion of the Quran as not applying to them; they might, however, see it as applying to a different time (Mecca/Medina). In like manner, a Christian may dismiss literal sacrifices as applying to a different time period.

    As for bin Laden, you are absolutely correct about the black/white dichotomy. Interestingly, Wahabism originated in a very black/white location. The land had few colors, even the predominate musical instrument had only one string. Their black/white Quranic interpretation motivated this sect to destroy the Graves of the Companions and murder many muslims; the Ottomon caliphate had to intervene to stop the slaughter. Like JWs, they just put them in the apostate column (for worshipping under the trees), which then made it an honorable action to kill them.

  • Narkissos

    I'm sorry some of you seem so unsatisfied with 21st-century mankind as it is... Fortunately ethnocentrism knows no borders... :)

    For some reason Western islamophobia (in the strict sense of fear, not hatred of Islam) reminds me of a comment I heard long ago by a Palestinian speaker in a Palestine / Israel discussion. He said, approximately: "You have the political, economical, mediatic, military power -- in overwhelming proportions; and strangely enough you also seem to have almost all the fear." I'm not confusing the issues but I think the same applies to an extent to the Western perception of Islam. The obsession with "safety" and the multiplication of threats, real or imaginary, is a rich and powerful man's (or country's, civilisation's) worry. Some choke themselves with it. And the more remote the danger the scarier it seems.

    One remark about the Qu'ran: unsurprisingly people of Protestant cultures tend to assume that every holy book will be used as the Bible is in their own culture. This is not the case. The vast majority of Muslims have at best learnt to read the Qu'ran and memorise a few verses in a language (classical Arabic) they don't understand at all. They just don't "read and do". Their religion is much more a matter of ritual and tradition than interpretation -- which is a game for the "professionals". Islam like any religion (and many other things) can be used as a tool for political manipulation of course but this is not its primary function. Preachers of Islamism have to deal with a lot of resistance within Islam itself. They only succeed inasmuch as circumstances (economic in particular) are favorable to them.

  • shamus100

    It's taking texts out of context. Ask any Muslim what that verse means, and it's NOT about killing people for not being a believer.

    The bible is far more violent, IMO. And not everyone feels that Muslims are a threat, including the current U.S. administration. It's just some people who are mis-informed or fell off the fundie bus.

  • beksbks

    So any religion that uses the bible as it's basis is christian is that fair?

  • leavingwt
    So any religion that uses the bible as it's basis is christian is that fair?

    What other options do we have? On what basis would I tell Osama that he is not a Muslim?

  • leavingwt
    seem so unsatisfied with 21st-century mankind as it is...

    I have an obligation to be unsatisfied with female circumcision and honor killings and various assorted acts of violence, done to innocent people.

    I'm unsatisfied with destructive mind control cults, too.

    I'm an equal opportunity critic.

  • shamus100

    I personally can't understand the paranoia over Muslims. It leaves me shaking my head sometimes - it's like saying black people kill each other because of different tribes (i.e. hutus and tutsi's). Ask a black man if he's gonna go out and kill his tutsi neighbour and he'd probably give you more than a dirty look.

    Oh well - more mis-information.

    Personally, I have absolutely no problem with Muslims and don't feel the need to preach against them. Looking at the extreme side, I think Christians should be feared more than anyone.

  • Narkissos


    I have an obligation to be unsatisfied with female circumcision and honor killings and various assorted acts of violence, done to innocent people.

    I'm sorry to say that to you (as you sound like you also feel an "obligation" to inform us on all kinds of current topics), but you should get better information. None of the above is exclusive or coextensive to Islam...

  • leavingwt
    I think Christians should be feared more than anyone.


  • leavingwt

    None of the above is exclusive or coextensive to Islam...

    You are correct. I certainly didn't intend to suggest otherwise.

    Speaking out against the violence I mentioned above doesn't have to be related to Muslims. If the persons guilty of it are Muslims, and they feel that their religion condones/promotes this, then it is related to Islam.

    Did you view the Pat Condell video? Does he need 'better information'? I've never thought of him as unintelligent or ignorant. I could be wrong.

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