Who Really IS the Faithful and Discreet Slave?

by AGuest 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest

    To the Household of God, Isarel... AND those who go with... may you have peace!

    When among those loyal to the WTBTS, I recall having conversations with those of "the great crowd," who believed that, while perhaps Christ led "the anointed," it was the ""Faithful and Discreet Slave" who led them. Certainly, the WTBTS teaches this lie. Praise JAH, however, their own Bible version reveals the TRUTH of this matter... as to whom leads ALL of sheep, whether they be [of] the little flock" or "other sheep" -

    "And I have OTHER sheep… which are not of THIS fold; those also… IT IS NECESSARY FOR ME TO LEAD… and they will listen to MY voice… and become ONE flock… ONE shepherd." John 10:16 (fnt., NWT Ref. Bible)

    While of course it is interesting as to WHO leads the other sheep... and WHOSE voice such sheep listen to... it is MOST interesting HOW MANY "shepherds" there are. ONE.

    Dear ones, along with the FACT that the Bible is NOT the Word of God, but Christ, our Lord, is that Word... this, too, should now be an ELEMENTARY thing... that all should move PAST... and on toward more "spiritual" things.

    May those of you with ears... hear... and get the SENSE of this truth. May those who don't yet have ears... ask for them... as the Most Holy One of Israel will not withhold holy spirit from those asking... if such ones ask in FAITH. Luke 11:13; James 1:5-8

    I bid you peace!

    Your servant and fellow slave of Christ,




    I do enjoy your threads..

    this, too, should now be an ELEMENTARY thing... that all should move PAST... and on toward more "spiritual" things.

    Trust me..

    Many Christians still don`t get it..

    Thats probably why your here..


    ................................ ...OUTLAW

  • AGuest
    Many Christians still don`t get it...

    Indeed! Which is why those like me must KEEP praying that they do, dear Outlaw! I am VERY glad, however, that YOU get it - LOLOLOLOL! (Hmmm.. maybe that'll wake 'em up! LOLOLOL!)

    Peace to you... and dear Mutley!

    Your servant, friend, and a slave of Christ,


  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    The Bible is not the word of God? Huh?

  • AGuest

    and may you have peace...

    The Bible is NOT the Word of God. The Bible contains the Law leading to that One... and tells us who that One is:

    "And the Word... became flesh." John 1:14

    "... and the name HE is called is The Word of God." Revelation 19:13

    "Sanctify them by means of the Truth; your Word is Truth." John 17:17

    "I am the Way... and the Truth... and the Life." John 14:6

    "Hence, JahEshua also, that HE might sanctify the people with HIS own blood." Hebrews 13:12

    May you hear, dear YY2... and get the sense of it.

    Peace to you!

    SA, a slave of Christ, the Word of God, in whom she puts her faith (as opposed to a stack of bound paper pages with words written on them, in various forms, versions, and interpretations... which pages age and decay... and which words erode and fade... so that the entire OBJECT is here today and tomorrow perhaps thrown into the garbage - and so where is the "holiness" in THAT?)

  • paul from cleveland
    paul from cleveland

    Dear AGuest,

    If it weren't for that "stack of bound paper pages with words written on them", where would you have learned about Christ? You quoted that "OBJECT" to justify your entire belief system and discredit the source of that belief all at the same time. Your reasoning does not make sense to me.

  • AGuest

    May you have peace!

    I initially learned "about" the Christ from people, dear one... my parents, Sunday school teacher(s), older sister, secular teachers, etc., ... long before I could read. I learned a little more about him from various publications, including those of the WTBTS and the Bible, as well as from some of the members themselves. However, I came to KNOW him (and not just "taking in knowledge of" or getting to know "about" him)... which is the MOST IMPORTANT thing... when HE came to me. And I would have come to know him that way, anyway... regardless of whether I had ever heard of... or read... a Bible. Because that is how he shows himself: plainly.

    The SOURCE of my BELIEF in Christ, therefore, came FROM Christ himself... and not some book. HE... and NOT the Bible... "opened up" my mind so as to fully grasp what is IN the Bible (Luke 24:45)... including the FACT that it is not all "scripture"... that "everything [he] will tell me is written but not everything that is written is what he will tell me"... and that the primary content OF the Bible is almost all about HIM, specifically WHY we should get to know him... and HOW we do that. For example, he FIRST said to me... and THEN showed me where in the Bible it is "written":

    "You are searching the scriptures, because you think that by means of THEM you will have everlasting life; and these are the very ones that bear witness about ME. And yet, you do not want to come... to ME that you MAY have life." John 5: 39, 40

    When I "got" this... I stopped going to the Bible and started going directly to him. Because the Bible only contains the law that LEADS to him... along with a lot of other stuff.

    So, please don't misunderstand, dear Paul: I don't quote the Bible because I need the proof or back-up for what I post. I absolutely KNOW that what I am given to share here is the truth. Without a doubt. Because I receive it FROM the Truth. However, the direction I've received from that Truth, the Holy One of Israel, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, who is my Lord and master... and the WORD of the MOST Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies... is that I am to quote scriptures/verses because there are those who STILL LACK FAITH... and so cannot put faith in what I share WITHOUT SEEING IT IN WRITING. This is because, unfortunately, most are still like fleshly Israel: needing to SEE [the] law... written... before being able to live by it... if indeed they are able to even then.

    This is because, like fleshly Israel, the law of Christ... is not written ON THEIR HEARTS. And so, thus far, they still walk by sight... and not by faith. So, THEY... need to see what "the Bible says" on a matter; I do not. And I have written here MANY times (oh, Lordy, many, many, many times!)... that if one TRULY wants to know God, one only needs to listen to Christ. Most, however, just don't believe that can be done... even though THE BIBLE says it can... and must.

    But God is not so unmerciful as to leave them in their unfaithfulness. Because of HIS love... and patience... I am directed to give them the WRITTEN "proof" they still need. For THEIR sakes... because they haven't yet developed enough faith to hear him themselves.

    I hear the Holy One of Israel... God's Word... because by means of him the Most Holy One of Israel opened my ears (Psalm 40:6). It is that One, therefore, who leads me. Into ALL truth. And so, I follow only him... and not the Bible.

    Butl et me ask you, if your insinuation (that the Bible is the Word of God and necessary): how would an illiterate get to know [about] God? Or someone who speaks a language other than one the Bible is written in? Or someone who is blind/deaf/dumb, but has no special literature... or a dedicated "governess" to help them learn what such literature says? Do you think that because one CAN'T read the Bible... for whatever reason... he or she will never know... or even get to know ABOUT... Christ?

    You are limiting God if you believe the Bible is His Word... and the only "way" to know... or even know about... Him. It is not. It is not even THE way.

    Again, I bid you peace!

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,


  • Narkissos

    I think AGuest illustrates and, to an extent, analyses pretty well what I would term a mystical approach to the Bible.

    When you're "there," you are not looking to the Bible or any outward authority, written or "live," as the source of "revelation". What you do find in Scripture (and actually anywhere, books, movies, songs, or just casual talk between people) are unexpected echoes of your intimate faith experience; which in a sense confirm it as "witnesses" (you are not alone, you are not "just dreaming") but also flesh it out with words, ideas, arguments. A pure "mystical" experience would leave anyone with nothing to say. But there is no pure "mystical" experience as any experience happens only to people who have a linguistical, cultural, social and religious background and (if they do not become hermits) will keep on interacting with culture and society by reading, watching, listening further.

    This is much the way early Christians used their scriptures (Jewish writings mostly, not limited to the current OT canon[s]). They did not learn or deduce their belief from them. But they recognised it in the most unexpected places, and it turn scriptures gave it words and shape. This a purely exterior, objective approach to religion (whether by "believers" or "unbelievers") will always miss. Otoh if the "mystics" don't add a measure of (self-)criticism to their experience and become unable to distinguish it, at least in principle, from the cultural elements they have used (at least unconsciously) to flesh it out, they put themselves in a dangerous situation, especially in a modern world which has no regard for either the "prophets" or the "insane" (who are sometimes the same people, depending on the audience they find).

  • AGuest

    me [will] talk pretty some day, too - LOLOLOL! - like you, dear Narkissos! Unfortunately, for me, I currently can't state it as you have. Fortunately, though, for those who "listen" when I am directed to share... my Lord gives me the words AND folks like you, dear OUTLAW, and dear Farkel to further clarify!!

    Anyway, THANK YOU, dear one for that further clarification - LOLOLOL!

    The greatest of love and peace to you!

    Your servant and [former?] ghetto-speaking hood-rattie hoochie "shenaynay" (and VERY proud of it!)... so you know what it takes to say ANY of this... slave of Christ,


  • PSacramento

    To me, the faithful and discreet slave is a parable, just liek all of Jesus's parables, it has an obvious meaning and a "hidden" meaning.

    By hidden I mean a meaning that can mean more than the obvious.

    In this case, if we look at the further writings of the apostles like Paul, Peter, James, John, and others, you will see how they address THEMSELVES and OTHERS as the SLAVES of Christ.

    To me, that tells me that the they, along with others, spreading the gospel by words, actions and faith, were the faithful and "discreet" slave(s).

    As are all that follow their examples.

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