I read a book a few weeks ago that made a similar argument about music: it's the passage of time, the change it produces, and the fact that it will end that makes music beautiful and compelling; and the same applies to life in general. The book was The Wisdom of Insecurity by Alan Watts. Have you heard of that? He says the 'secret' to life is not to strive for security because we will never find it anyway; better just to experience reality as it is, enjoy it as it happens. Easier said than done I say. If Aubrey de Grey turns out to be onto something I wouldn't say "no thanks", though as I said, I don't rate humanity's chances of success at reaching immortality, at least not while I am still alive. Do you reject the pursuit of a longer life span for yourself alone as a personal preference, or do you think the project is immoral as some do, and would you go so far as to the oppose the right of others to pursue it if they wish?