JWs On FaceBook...

by cognac 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • WTWizard

    I have seen the kinds of arguments that result when faithful witlesses and apostates get on those sites. The apostate will usually refute something from the Washtowel, often using the Bible itself. The witless will use stock arguments, usually from the False Reasoning Book, to rebut it. Invariably, those arguments are so full of holes that apostates have no trouble rebutting them. However, the witlesses refuse to quit--they simply repost their stock arguments about it.

    You cannot win the argument against the witless. About all you can do is make them look so stupid that no one reading it will believe in what they have to say.

  • dissed

    My daughter on FB found many of her cousins to be now exJW's which she didn't know. One of them said his parents blamed us for influencing them somehow to leave, although we had no contact with them.

    It was the fact we left first, that we showed them the way.

  • wantstoleave

    I have hidden status updates from my news feed of JW friends on Fb. Can't stand the 'had a great day in service' or 'doing my pre-study before bed' stuff. Makes me want to barf. So, instead of deleting them, have just hidden them from my news feed...lol.

    AE - There are always talks at assemblies about social networking sites, and I know some elders especially in my area got on Fb just to watch some of the young ones. Didn't take long for the young ones to make their Fb private, and not accept the elders as friends though. It wasn't that long ago that the internet was frowned upon, then it was email and now it's Fb and myspace etc. They think everything is evil.

  • sacolton

    "Be fishers of men. You catch Them - He'll clean them"

    ... and the Watchtower will gut them.

  • nelly136

    must be fine, some of the most zealoted jws i ever knew have fb these days.

  • isaacaustin

    I am not so sure how well the WT issuing a statement on FB would go over. MANY have fallen in love with facebook and how it reconnects you with so many people from the past.

  • LouBelle

    I get hate mail from JWs I don't know as I had a link exposing pedophilia in the faith. Yes the claws and fangs came out.

    Cognac best thing for that is to take them off as friends!

  • OnTheWayOut

    Someone posted their notes from this year's Circuit Assembly. Their notes included something to the effect that if you have a profile on one of the chat forums (I don't remember the exact phrase, but FB was not named by name) then you should get off of there.

  • carla

    angel eyes- be sure to put a link about the pedophile problem within jw's so you can possibly help protect children in the cong. Silentlambs has a place on the site with congs who may have abusers. Ever check yourself? for your own kids sakes?

  • cognac

    There is also some sorta Watchtower and Awake pro JW thing on there.

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