Dumbest Awake Title Ever?

by metatron 63 Replies latest jw friends

  • WTWizard

    Technology is good, unless people abuse it (like using the Internet to send information on how to make and send bombs to blow up a building). It is true that people can waste inordinate amounts online or on a cell phone. However, the Washtowel is insinuating that people are wasting time that should be used in field circus--and technology should only be used to facilitate that waste of time.

  • sacolton

    Wiping: Back to front or front to back?

  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    A while back they had one titled "What would we do without donkeys?"

    In it they declared that donkeys were, and I quote, "worthy of respect"


  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    How do you actually choose the dumbest Awake title ever? That's like trying to choose the worst Steven Seagal movie. To much to choose from.

  • sir82
    It makes the question sound as if abandoning technology might be a solution, a considered choice, a real possibility.

    Just wishful thinking on their part. They'd love to go back to a time when the "evil" internet didn't exist.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    LOL @ dissed, Amber Rose, saco

    "Toothbrushing- Is it for Christians?"

  • besty

    "I Am Your Porcelain Figurine"

  • DNCall

    Kenny G--What is the Bible's View?

  • daniel-p

    I like the tabs on the front page of watchtower.org:

    World Affairs / Religion / Family / Animals

    Animals? Wtf? What is this fascination with inserting benal topics among serious ones? And then the article has to have a cliched attempt at a witty alliteration: "Fleet-Footed, Flightless, and Fascinating—The Ostrich"

    Here's an alliterative article title suggestion:

    "Flat-Footed, Flightless, and Fucked: The Governing Body's 'Helpers'"

  • daniel-p

    Personally, I'm holding out for the next article on "The Tantalizing Tortilla!"

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