All the payers of health insurance do not pay for malpractice insurance. That would be the doc, and likely does increase medical costs. But the middleman, the health insurance companies are taking millions for providing what benefit?
In case you did not see it, the actual profit margins of health insurance companies are about 2.5%. John Kerry's wifes company (Heinz) makes a little over 5%. Greedy ketchup pushers they are.
Sorry, Beks - but this does not wash. Of course the payers of health insurance pay for this...the end consumer always pays for everything up the tree. Economics 101.
This is like saying that taxpayers do not pay for the interstate highway system because it is toll-free in most areas.
EDIT - the benefit is exactly the same as any other form of insurance: To protect the client against catastrophic loss by spreading the risk out into a large pool of their insured. Their profit is earned by their administration of this financial management and the risk involved. Economics 102.