styxx wrote: When I came into the organization at nineteen, I left off many kinds of unchristian behavior, and made a lot of painful changes in my life. I had to quit associating with people still living that kind of life. So it would be quite an understatement to say that I was not expecting to find individuals like you in the congregation, much less in positions of power. In fact, it was so unexpected that it made persons like me very vulnerable to your abuses.
I don't know how long you were associated with the witnesses, or what your current status is, but you probably saw enough to know that there is a BIG difference in life outlook and self-awareness between someone who joins as an adult and someone who was 'raised-in'. With raised-in's, there is an inculcation from youth (often even pre-birth) and the indoctrination runs deep. Two- and three-year-old boys are expected to want to be elders and circuit overseers when they grow up. The personal motivations may differ but that is their goal.
Some, like MANY here on JWN, wake up and realize that the org trivializes the needs of the individual to the point of de-humanizing them.
Others strive for more and more control and power.
Like others that have posted on your thread, I am interested to hear your story. The congregation must have been thrilled to have you join at 19 years of age as most congs lose so many from age 14-21.
Looking forward to your next post.
- Aude Sapere (meaning: Dare to Know; Dare to Have Wisdom/Understanding; Dare to Think for Yourself)