I need answers to so MANY questions.....

by Confuzzled 74 Replies latest jw friends

  • dgp

    I am in agreement with your waiting and taking time to study. Me and Gary Neal are men, so we would have it easier. I have it easiest, because the person I am interested in already spoke her mind and says she isn't doing it, and my staying here and my posting questions and stuff is, first, a way to answer pending questions, and, second, a way to help others like you, Gary Neal, Greenie and me. We have never been members of the religion and never will be, yet we are affected.

    There will always be non-JW's falling for JWs, and viceversa, for the simple reason that we're all human, and we all can feel and need love. Whatever the "unevenly yoked" bunch say about it. There will always be JWs who will choose very unwisely and will stick to the printing house's way of being. They will be hurt in the process, whatever they say or think. There will always be JWs who will flirt and play with others, and then the JW who will marry the outsider. We will all need answers and information. That, we can give. I believe we owe it to others to keep posting here.

  • Confuzzled

    Wow, that article on dating a lasped JW was helpful. I'm getting the impression that they have the ability to manipulate even the most resisting of people. I think my BF's trying to convince me to talk to someone though comes out of genuine if not extremely misguided concern. It's hard to reason w/someone who honestly BELIEVESeverything that he's been told. He's had no other exposure to any other religion, or hardly at all. They missioned in the very bad area he grew up in. He says that the only people who ever offered to teach him about the Lord were JW's, and I feel guilty on a human level about that. I have a Jamacian friend who grew up Catholic and grew up weathly on the island, and she says they run rampant over there in impoverished areas. I guess it is easier to manipulate ppl who think they have nothing to believe in.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    One thing that shuts my wife up for a few days is telling her that seeing as she is going to live forever, how about letting me enjoy my short time on the planet without giving me shit.

  • GLTirebiter
    Wow, that article on dating a lasped JW was helpful.

    I'm glad it did. I am among the many here who were or are in Witness/non-Witness marriages. Remember that you are not alone!


  • Confuzzled

    I'm so thankful there is an actual community of "Lovers and Ex-Lovers" of JW's to turn too. It's a damn shame. People get involved thinking that they are doing the Lord's work, from a genuine place of love, then they get controlled by bad people who take advantage of their guilt.

    He went to the meeting today, for the first time in months, with his brother. He offered to have his brother call me. I said absolutely not, I haven't even met Mama yet, and you want me to talk to your brother about my immortal soul? I told my BF I refuse to talk to anybody about this but him, do not give my number away or send those people to my house. I also told him the day he attends my heathen Church I will go to a meeting with him, which won't happen ever. So he's stuck.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    What is especially bizzare is that this guy may actually use your criticisms of this religion as a reason for getting more involved with the JWs. In essence, he may start believe that God is giving him a 'wake up call' simply because you have challenged his beliefs.

    The sad truth is that many lapse JWs still believe all of the manipulative garbage that was taught to them. It "haunts" them wherever they go (actual words once told to my by a lapse JW).

  • Confuzzled

    Drew that's exactly what he's doing. He wants me to turn to cult members to get answers. He really doesn't have them, and I wonder what he'd think if he really knew what "Theocratic Warfare Strategy" was. He's a police officer in a very, very bad area (can't say where, too obvious who i am talking about should he find this), and has seen murder, child abuse, and the horrors of society, and I just don't understand why he can't see it going on in the cult. I'd rather talk to a Professor of Religion or Sociologist with expertise on these matters, non brainwashed sheep.. Although it doesn't take a master's degree to see what the hell is going on. My criticisms of the 5 translators frauds that translated the JW Bible, were only met with him trying to read me what I guess was the prologue to his Bible. "I don't want to hear you f***ing propaganda!" only got me an angry hang-up.

  • Robdar

    A coke addict and now a JW? Golly, you really know how to pick em.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan
    My criticisms of the 5 translators frauds that translated the JW Bible, were only met with him trying to read me what I guess was the prologue to his Bible. "I don't want to hear you f***ing propaganda!" only got me an angry hang-up.

    You may find the comments on this thread worth reading:


    I'd rather talk to a Professor of Religion or Sociologist with expertise on these matters, non brainwashed sheep.. Although it doesn't take a master's degree to see what the hell is going on

    Books have been written on this subject.


    These kinds of situations arise all the time here. Its becomming kind of a cliche to suggest that you offer one of these books for your friend to read. Yet, that's about the best you can do.

  • Satanus

    Oh, the guy is a polieman. Here is what the wt said about working in police type jobs, and carrying a gun:

    *** w73 2/15 pp. 127-128 Questions From Readers ***

    ? Is it compatible with maintaining a Christian conscience for one to accept employment that involves being armed, carrying either a gun or a club?—U.S.A.

    Jehovah God himself allowed human governments to exercise authority for law enforcement, by means of arms if necessary. Regarding such governmental authority we read: “It is not without purpose that it bears the sword; for it is God’s minister, an avenger to express wrath upon the one practicing what is bad.” (Rom. 13:4) Hence no Scriptural objection can be raised against the existence of armed law-enforcement agencies nor against a government’s authorizing certain men to carry weapons when protecting property and/or people.

    However, whether a Christian would choose employment, such as that of policeman, guard or night watchman, if he were required to carry a gun or another weapon is something that he would have to determine for himself. He would want to consider: Do I want to take on the burden of making quick and difficult decisions in a crucial situation where human life is involved? Am I willing to come into circumstances that could require me to use a weapon, perhaps doing so in a way that would incur bloodguilt before Jehovah?

    Furthermore, a Christian’s main objective is to assist others to come to an accurate knowledge of the truth. He wants to teach others how to “be peaceable with all men.” (Rom. 12:18) In view of this, he might ask himself, Is my carrying a weapon in my employment going to appear to others as a contradiction of Christian teaching? Is there reason to believe that it will be a cause for stumbling? The Christian must make his own decision based on God’s Word and his knowledge of existing circumstances. If he feels his holding such a weapon-carrying job really would be detrimental to the spreading of Bible truth, the Christian would wisely choose other employment. The Scriptural counsel is not ‘to be stumbling others.’—Phil. 1:10.

    Whatever the Christian’s decision, it should be in harmony with his Scripturally trained conscience. But he never need feel pressured by concern for lack of life’s necessities. The assurance of God’s Word is: “Jehovah is a lover of justice, and he will not leave his loyal ones.” (Ps. 37:28) “I will by no means leave you nor by any means forsake you.”—Heb. 13:5.


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