Kelle Jarka

by isaacaustin 74 Replies latest jw friends

  • designs

    Chant? As in some type of prayer mumbling......

    Be sure and share with your mom the Calvary Chapel pastor who not only killed his girlfriend but hacked up her body to bury it in the desert and then had the balls to stand up in court and announce 'I know I was forgiven 2000 years ago on Calvary', to which the DA countered 'Jesus may have forgiven you but the court isn't quite through with you yet', he's on death row.

  • sir82
    To date I have seen no report of him being dfed.

    Without 2 witnesses (of course there was not even one) or a confession (he has maintained his innocence throughout), there could be no DF'ing. It's virtually certain he is still "in good standing".

    Weren't there a bunch of JWs who testified regarding his character at the sentencing hearing? They wouldn't do that for someone DF'ed.

    I would like to think they deleted him as an elder, but I'm not even sure of that.

  • isaacaustin

    designs, I started your very own thread for you. Go there.

  • isaacaustin

    Sir82, a dfing could not occur from the conviction?

    I would also assume he was deleted.

  • designs

    Oh this is much more the forum for this. While you are shoving the Jarka case in your Mom's face, and it is a great tragedy, I bet you won't share any of the crimes from your new found Baptist community.

  • sir82
    a dfing could not occur from the conviction?

    Were there 2 witnesses? Was there a confession? If not, who cares what a worldly court and worldly judge and worldly jury think? They're all controlled by Satan, you know.

    There's no entry in the elder's manual for "what if the dude is convicted of murder but doesn't confess and no one saw him do it."

    I'm pretty sure the other local elders called the Society on what to do, though. It's a very unusual case. There is a chance that the Society would have said to DF him anyway, based on whatever reason they felt was justified. But then again, if he was DF'ed, would there have been a parade of JWs talking about what a fine upstanding guy he is?

  • isaacaustin

    Thanks Sir82...that is helpful. Anyone else have any personal knowledge of this case?

  • Loquacious

    JW's.................and Baptists..........are a snare and a racket!!

    yes, any and all religions have less than savory members, though a religion that shamelessly uses the premise that they were chosen by God alone ultimately sets themselves up for painful disappointment. The man in this case must surely be psychopathic. To knock on ones doors with the air of righteousness and the high moral ground while continuously partaking of an act that goes against everything the word christian should stand for is beyond bizarre. Okay, well, God did approve men taking young virgins,raping them against their will and making them their wives....but that was the old testament.

  • isaacaustin

    Sir82, if the Wt gave the elders the go ahead to DF Jarka you think it would cause a stir? JWs are pretty much trained not to question judicial decisions. Have you ever seen this type of case before?

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    Still mad about your bout with justise I see. You have nothing to add to Isaac's thread so I guess your just venting?

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