Kelle Jarka

by isaacaustin 74 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    I know of one brother who kidnapped his wife a gunpoint and drove off. Thank goodness the other family members called the police and he was apprehended before he shot her. He was df'd but not for long only a few months. Too many eyewitnesses to it and he confessed to the police.

    Another brother put a revolver to his wife's head in front of her jw family and pulled the trigger. Fortunately it jammed. Was he df'd, no, I guess he was "repentant." His wife still separated from him. The elders and "mature" sisters said she should take him back....

  • isaacaustin

    undercover, thanks for relating that experience. And yes that goes hand in hand with Sir82's statements. Image of the org is the main concern.

  • The Almighty Homer
    The Almighty Homer

    Most likely a JC was sent to prison to talk with him and of course he denied everything, as JWS rulings go if there were no witnesses to

    the act and no admittance either, therefore grounds for DF could not be established.

    After 25 years in prison he could actually walk right back into his old Hall and be welcomed back as a

    respected full status brother of the JWS congregation.

    I get a feeling that this case is going to be appealed and there will be another court trial.

    The reason I feel this is because yes there was a surmountable amount of circumstantial evidence

    against him, but there was also surmountable amount of evidence of his innocence.

    I still hold that he is guilty though, perhaps not of murder but of conspiracy to commit murder by a second party.

    I find it hard to believe that he could bludgeon to death his wife with the baby in the same room, ransack his home disconnect a full size

    computer, bash in the side door of his garage , take a shower to wash off all of the blood spatter and change his cloths, leave a 6 month old baby in

    a crib, then calmly drive off to Starbucks cool as a cucumber to buy some coffee and then calmly drive back home.

  • undercover
    Another brother put a revolver to his wife's head in front of her jw family and pulled the trigger. Fortunately it jammed. Was he df'd, no, I guess he was "repentant." His wife still separated from him. The elders and "mature" sisters said she should take him back....

    See...this is a case of God's the Organization's law being seperate from man's law. Per the organization, attempted murder is not grounds for divorce...

  • purplesofa

    For any witnesses that have followed this story, they would have formulated their own opinion about what they think as to his quilt or innocence.

    Even though there were no witnesses to the crime .

    Try has hard as they might, if they find Jarka to be guilty, without having two witnesses,

    what does that do to their conscience and faith.

    And what about other "sins" that come before the Judicial Committees.

    How will knowing about this murder affect how they handle, let's say

    children that come before them about sexual abuse.

  • Anator

    Latest update:

    Jarka trial: Murrieta man described as "evil" and "trash" before sentencing

    Jarka was then sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. Kelle Lee Jarka Even as Kelle Lee Jarka proclaimed his innocence, the Murrieta resident was called "evil" and described as "trash" for the murder of his wife, Isabelle.

  • Mary

    "...Another brother put a revolver to his wife's head in front of her jw family and pulled the trigger. Fortunately it jammed. Was he df'd, no, I guess he was "repentant." His wife still separated from him. The elders and "mature" sisters said she should take him back...."

    Dear god in heaven, why isn't he in prison for Attempted Murder?

  • Stealth

    Anator, Based on the fact that this man bashed in his wife's skull while she slept, then blamed the internet searches on HIS laptop on his dead wife, IMO the judge was spot on when calling him 'evil' & 'trash'.

  • designs

    Actually quite happy and involved in productive programs of all sorts- humanitarian and environmental, and a good family.

    One of the phenomenal dynamics of a few xjws is the attraction to get involved in Cults all over again, kinda of like some people with bad marriages marrying the same type of person again.

    People come here to lay their complaints out against their time with the Wt., which is fine, and yet a few who join some group like a Fundamentalist religion are at a loss to see how they have made the same 'marriage' all over again.

  • BluesBrother
    have you ever dealt with a person convicted of a crime in a court of law yet claiming innocence?

    Nothing any where near so serious , but just before I joined my last congo a young brother had been accused of "racial abuse" in a road - rage incident. Apparently there had been a dispute on the road, they exchanged words. The other driver got angry and accused the Brother of shouting racial abuse at him.

    The Brother denied it. However the case dragged on and eventually he changed to a guilty plea and just paid up a hefty fine. He said that was to get the matter rested and off his shoulders. The elders interviewed him and accepted that he denied the charge and saw no reason to issue formal counsel or reproof. It could not have been a d/f matter anyway.

    It did demonstrate the principle though, that the decision of the Court of Law has no bearing on the decision of the B of E..

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