Undercover said:
He gave the example of a brother who was charged with possession of stolen goods. He posed the question, "What should be done by the elder body?" After several elders said that a JC meeting would be in order or at least elders meeting in private with the accused individual, the CO set them all straight. He said that they were to do nothing. If the brother denied wrongdoing and there were no witnesses, then there wasn't anything for them to do. Even if the police found the stolen loot, charged him and the courts found him guilty. Part of the discussion was about comparing God's law vs. man's law. Some things against man's law is not specifically spelled out in the Bible so the elders are limited in what they can do. Another part of the discussion was that the elders are not part of the legal system. They uphold God's law in the congregation only, as a sin affects the congregation. The two witness rule applies in the congregation where it does not in man's legal system.
Wow. It becomes ever clearer how mightily beneficial LYING is within the organization.