Nov.15th WT - Treasure your Place in Congregation- "Obey the Slave Class! "

by flipper 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    Once again the extremely controlling measures taken by the WT society are evident in the "witness only " Nov.15th WT article " Treasure your Place in the Congregation ". As time goes on the governing body keeps pushing the thought into witnesses minds that the " faithful & discreet slave " is the boss , God, main enchilada , the one through whom rank and file witnesses must answer to in order for Jehovah to approve them. So strap your seat belts on: this should be interesting.

    Under the subheading " Cherish our Place- How ? " It states we have to cooperate fully with the " faithful and discreet slave ". It continues, " We need to examine our response to the direction we receive from the slave class . Over the years , for example, we have received pointed direction on dress and grooming , entertainment , and IMPROPER USE OF THE INTERNET . Do we carefully heed this good counsel so that we are spiritually protected ? " Translation : We we , the slave class will tell you how to dress and groom, what entertainment to watch , and avoid the internet because Satan owns it ! You'll get apostatitis and die spiritually !

    It continues, " Some might reason that areas such as entertainment and dress and grooming are personal matters. For the dedicated Christian who cherishes HIS PLACE IN THE CONGREGATION, though, personal preferences SHOULD NOT be the sole determining factor when making decisions. " Translation : If you value being an approved member of the congregation and don't want to be expelled or DFed you won't be relying on YOUR OWN PERSONAL DECISION MAKING PROCESS ! You'll decide how WE tell you to decide.

    Also they discourage independence. It continues, " The spirit that now operates in the" sons of disobedience " is so widespread that it is like the air we breathe. That spirit can cause us to think that we do not need guidance from Jehovah's organization.( Or, us the GB ) We need to guard against developing a spirit of independence . By word or action, MAY WE NEVER CHALLENGE the channel of communication that Jehovah is using today. On the contrary, we should cherish our privilege to cooperate with the slave class . And should we not strive to be obedient and submissive to those taking the lead in our local congregations ? " Translation : You can't think for yourselves, it's too dangerous. Don't EVER question us - we are God's representative, er Jehovah himself ! And so are the elders at your local area ! If you obey us- you are obeying Jehovah ! You better cooperate and be submissive - or else - you know what will happen !

    So how did you like that little bit of " cult mind control " ? It just seems these guys are geting more and more about control all the time. They can't stop information coming out on the internet - however they CAN and will warn Jehovah's Witnesses not to think for themselves trying to get them to avoid reading the internet. This is what they are teaching our JW relatives still in at their WT studies. No WONDER many are so cult mind controlled ! As always I welcome any and all comments ! Thanks, Peace out to all, Mr. Flipper

  • dgp

    For a worldly person, your article is very helpful. For us it is often difficult to grasp just where the mind control measure is. We don't have the experience in the society to know that a "suggestion" is not a suggestion, but a command. Reading your comments I think I came to understand just how to spot one of the ways mind control is exerted. If someone makes a statement but gives no proof of it, and the wording of it suggests that it is the only logical or correct thing to do, then you're in the presence of mind control. As in "Should we not strive to be obedient and submissive to those taking the lead in our local congregations?"

  • OnTheWayOut

    Some WT reminders work not on the individual, but on the congregation. The individual may not have even read the information or paid much attention to it. But rest assured, if he dresses in a way that some elder or pioneer considers inappropriate, or if he decides not to shave before the evening meeting, they will have read the article and explain to him how he could 'stumble' them.

    The "dedicated Christian who cherishes HIS PLACE IN THE CONGREGATION" will definitely catch that straightforwardness of the threat.


    Not one word about Jesus..

    Jesus must still be DF`d by the WBT$..

    Jesus should ask forgiveness..

    Maybe the WBT$ would allow him back..

    ..................... ...OUTLAW

  • lovelylil2


    I agree. The WT kicked Jesus out the door a long time ago. By the way, your doggie is soooo cute. Lilly

  • cantleave

    I read that article and recoiled in horror. The GB are as controlling now as they were in the 70's when Ray franz was part of it. To impose a set of criteria, developed by commitee, on 7 million people is as maniacal, despotic and as dictatorial as any banana republic has ever been. I have heard it said on this forum if the GB told the Rank and File to kill apostates, some of them would, I used to think that was ridiculous, I am now not so sure.

    People are, it is said, herding animals and individuals will follow what the majority of the herd are doing. To manipulate this characteristic to the detriment of the group is not only unethical, but potentially dangerous. Making individuals reluctant to think for themselves lays the foundation for this type of manipulation, reinforcing that by fear of severe reprocussions, starts building on the foundation. JW's are being controlled and are vunerable to any whim of the WTS. Very frightening indeed.

  • HappyGuy

    This is nothing new.

    They were telling us how long we could grow our hair, that we could not have mustaches or beards, that we could not listen to rock and roll or go to concerts, that we could not go ANYWHERE socially where it was a preponderance of "worldlings", that we could not go to college...well, the list goes on and on, in the early mid and late 70s, 80s, and 90s.

    It gets worse. They also tell you that you should not, cannot think for yourself, read any material not blessed by them... Oh hell, it is so disgusting, I don't even want to recount it all.

  • SirNose586

    They are scrambling to maintain the mind control ray and it's showing. Good for them, I hope they continue to print statements as harsh or more harsh than this in the future. I love when I can smell their desperation all the way from the east coast....

  • inbetween

    man, I wonder what effect this will have, most will "appreciate" the timely warnings, I get goose bumps only thinking of the study of this article in the KH....and some comments of zealous witnesses.

    To me, the whole writing comittee, or whoever apporves of it, seems divided, sometimes, they speak great lentghs about the importance of the individual conscience and the personal accountability, then they deliver mind control like this....

  • The Almighty Homer
    The Almighty Homer

    They are so nervous of losing their power they have to crank up the OBEY US OR ELSE proclamation.

    Typical operation of a mind controlling cult.

    Keep the sheep in the herd and keep your power and wealth,

    this is accomplished by keeping the walls high and strong

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