When a premise is all wet, and wrong, it poisons the discussion. It's like adding rotten smelly blue cheese to an apple pie, then insisting that the pie is still good. Then you ask "....so why do you all hate it so much? Just pick out the rotten cheese, its still pie?"
After all, how can we think ourselves so wonderful- when we all have so many faults!
The point of exposing JW's has nothing to do with how good, bad or "wonderful" a person is. This is a wrong premise to judge anything. "Well, you have faults, thus, we can tolerate and even justify JW faults". Not true, and as other posters have pointed out, its not exactly like it's just one or two small points.
JW's are willing to lie about their past and the accusations made against them to keep their membership. So I guess that gives us all permission to do the same? Hell, we all have so many faults.....
I am not talking people or organization- I am talking about scripture.
But the organization acts the way it does because of their perverted NWT translation and their dogma. It treats people the way the do because of how their interpretation of scripture. So i am talking about scripture too. JW's always start out with "Our history doesn't matter because we got the fact that Jehovah is the true got in the OT AND the NT. No trinity with us.... That gives us permission to lie about our history and kick out and shun anyone who disagrees with us, even minors who were to young to make such a monumental decision"
Dude, be a JW all you want. At least you admit their faults. But don't try to minimize the "faults" of JW's as of little consequence. Many religions have faults and still let people be themselves. That isn't a burden JW's suffer from.