Stark raving....madJW!
by theMadJW 282 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
It seems that the Madjw should move to Egypt, he will feel very much at home by DeNile.
I am just arrving at this thread:
MADJW: What is wrong with the JW?
Please explain how the following are not beyong what is written:
ban on b-days/holidays?
ban on blood transfusions
please explain how a false prophet (and the WT leads the league in false prophecies) can be God's sole channel of truth?
Please back up to me from scripture that the FDS is an organization, one composite slave.
Please back up the existance of the GB.
Or let's start right at the top and you explain to me on what basis you beleive the JWs are the truth- let's start there.
I'm one of the few JWs that freely ADMIT our faults and mistakes.
Admit this if you're honest.
Wow I missed all this. Well once upon a time there was the era of the trolls and they ruled the septic tanks. Today they just troll around and annoy people.
This should be called ""
Look how it even gives goofy avatars to any who don't agree with there self-righteous deceptions....
Isaac asked/Accused:
"I am just arrving at this thread:
MADJW: What is wrong with the JW?
Mad: We often make mistakes.
Please explain how the following are not beyong what is written:
ban on b-days/holidays?
Mad: Jesus said we must worship with spirit and TRUTH.
ban on blood transfusions
Mad: You know the scriptures, don't you?
please explain how a false prophet (and the WT leads the league in false prophecies) can be God's sole channel of truth?
Mad: The WTBS has, and continuers to make many dumb speculations on the prophecies in the Bible, not conjure up their own- so they are NOT Fales 'Prophets' , and make the same mistake HERE that CHURC Hianity does...
Please back up to me from scripture that the FDS is an organization, one composite slave.
Mad: They, as well as we ALL, will have to answer to Christ for our claims. "Who REALLY is the faitful and discreet slave?" Christ asked. Was he talking about a tiny group of men in a HQ, or ALL Christians? Did he say "Well Done!" when they were only getting STARTED? Did he appoint them over all his belongings in 1919? No- in my opinion!
Please back up the existance of the GB.
Or let's start right at the top and you explain to me on what basis you beleive the JWs are the truth- let's start there.
As you can see, I am honest about my Brotherhood; what group do YOU belong to- or are you just a one-man band / judge?