So, the Watchtoweroid is trying to win some influence here. I guess he wasn't making much of an impression on Topix. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahaha!
What accusations do you have about us JWs? AND what group are YOU a part of?
by theMadJW 282 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
You are all ignorant. None of us know each other- and likely never will.
This SHOULD be a place to compare thoughts, to try and learn from each other.
I even freely admit our faults and mistakes, and you banter like hyenas.
Most JW`s will Admit..There are Problems, in the WBT$ Organization..
You are "Less than Special" in Watchtower World..
You are an Embarrassment to "Real Active,Pro WBT$ Jehovah`s Witness`s"..
You want to be a Jehovah`s Witness..But..Your too weak..
So you Pretend..On JWN..
not a captive
Dear Mad,
I will not bother to read any of your posts from now on if you cannot respond to a specific comment.
I gave a thoughtful response to your question and you gave no consideration to it even in your general diatribes.
I doubt you will read and respond to this either.
You do not care about God's Truth or you would not act as dismissive as this to others.
What you are doing is pointless from any angle I can see.
Good bye, Maeve
Well I can say that they are all a lot like you madjw, a pompas assclown who thinks and acts like they know everything. I don't come here much and I have not read a lot of your post but to what I have read just on this thread, then yes I can honestly say my assumption was correct ! You are so perfect are 'nt you ? You think that because your a JW you got spiritual right to chew other people out but when the shoe is on the other foot you come back and attack, HMMMMMM Just like anyone else.
You see Mr. your not all it and JW's don't have any more of a promise from God than anyone else here. So my suggestion to you would be to come down from your high horse and start acting like a real humn being and not a droid from the WTBS. !
Sorry to disappoint you OF, but I am not ON a high horse, am NOT all-knowing, do not think myself better than ANY of you!
Chew people out? Dismiss others"? "Attack"? -- You mean like all of YOU have been doing to US on this site?
You're just another crybaby who can't take what you dish out.
There are SEVERAL people here that are a real pleasure to talk to- and that I LEARN freom; you are not one of them.
Hey Mad... there's a thread that needs some input from you at:
I bet MadJW would say that if you are upset, it is because he has hit a nerve.
So do gunshot wounds from 5 feet.
MadJWs one goal here is to upset who he can, and to have something to do. Esp since masturbation can only last so long.
To any former JW's still raw over their experience, there is no need to indulge someone who calls you names in the hopes that your responses will validate his cruel, narcissistic existence.
Watch, he will call me a name, say something about how superior he is, or his religion, and then hope I respond.
My only concern about this poor excuse for a tick is that some people here, due to their mistreatment by JW's, will relive those emotions, and take it by feeding this flea bitten amobea your energy.
Don't do it.
If he wants to discuss JW dogma and theology, thats one thing. But just look at this intellectual contributions to anything on this board, on any subject...
(get back to me if you fine one cogent arguement)
So, just ignore this guy. He is a waste of oxygen. Spend it on yourself.
Believe me, lurking JW's who are still in with doubts, who read this guys drooling, are more inclined to leave then stay. So don't sweat his crap.
MadJWs one goal here is to upset who he can, and to have something to do.
I cant see how anyone could be upset by someone whose only approach is to rehash WT argumentation and throw Juvenile insults when someone makes a counter argument.