After reading lots of your comments MadJW I applaud you for seeing the mistakes in your Cult. And that is not an attack. I am proud you have ignored the counsel of both the Society and Jehovah by staying clear of Bad Association. I know many who would be terrified to go on what appears to be an Apostate Site. Many here are true Christians, and others, who would do the will Of Satan and his Demons with extreme pleasure. As a JW aren't you afraid of opening yourself to attacks from the Demons associating with people as myself? By intentionally allowing yourself into this situation Jehovah would not protect you. My heart belonged to Jehovah for years. I would of gladly allowed my children to die, if they needed blood. Years of service. Years of Blind Faith. Like you I believed I could help those who seeked for truth, to find it. Today, I would be the one, if the Government turned on your Church, to rat you out to the authorities. Show where JW's lived, anything I could do to hurt Jehovah the way he has hurt me. I lived as if the Bible were true. Your thread, what accusations do you have about us JW's, and you feel your being attacked? You asked a question to people who have been RAPED by your Church. We are all ignorant is what you said. I think you have taken the first step of seeing, you are the one who is ignorant. Because if you truly were a True Servant of Jehovah, you would have heeded the council of staying away from people like me. I'm glad your here. For if Jehovah is watching, his heart is breaking for you. You are the type of person who hits a Hornets nest with a stick then cries when you get stung. Almost everyone here is open to different interpretations of Scripture, except you.
What accusations do you have about us JWs? AND what group are YOU a part of?
by theMadJW 282 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
i see this is not a fair fight.there is only 1 madjw,and all e rest r against him
I remember watching these threads and eventually participating in them back in the day. It's like clockwork, an apologist pops up thinking he's ready to defend "The Truth" and says so, then all these people who are very much more educated in the information and have the ABILITY to have a pleasant, intelligent and HELPFUL debate, become something that would drive any reasonable person right back to the same thing we all say we would do anything to help someone get out of.
I'm as guilty of doing it as much as anyone at one point in my trip out. This guy shows up because he has questions. The answers he was giving were not his, they were given to him, and we all know this is a FACT. He suffers from everything we suffered from. He experiences cognitive dissonance. He is suffering from the effects of mind control. He is here posting because he need help whether he knows it or not. When peoples minds are changing the programing kicks in, they become argumentative and have to grasp for anything to support their beliefs, even if it's lashing out. That's the time when change happens, but not if you kick the puppy.
I am where I am as far as recovery because people were and are patient with me. It works. We were all this guy as some point, or most of us were. Try to remember what it was like and imagine this is a person you would call brother and mean it. What bad can come of that?
Welcome Darth plaugeis!
Interesting post :)
Because if you truly were a True Servant of Jehovah, you would have heeded the council of staying away from people like me.
Of course, serving Jehovah's Control Tower™ is nothing like being like Christ.
Matthew 9:10-13 (New International Version)
10 While Jesus was having dinner at Matthew's house, many tax collectors and "sinners" came and ate with him and his disciples. 11 When the Pharisees saw this, they asked his disciples, "Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and 'sinners'?"
12 On hearing this, Jesus said, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. 13 But go and learn what this means: 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' [ a ] For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners."
Footnotes:- Matthew 9:13 Hosea 6:6
DP- a Strong Faith trows aside such fears; Jesus and his disciples preached to worse than here!
It's all about the mind and heart; 'planting a seed', even if done as crudely as I, WILL grow- if the heart is right!
And you couldn't be MORE wrong; I AM open to other interpretations- and will WELCOME them ,if it akes any sense. You made the mistake of focusing on Men, rather than God; there will ALWAYS be Pretenders waiting to harm in EVERY religion-until the Day of God's anger!
TUV, thank you for your concern- but NONE of you appear to have EVER been me- for I became a RELUCTANT JW! NEVER taking it all as 'gospel'- except what is TRUE! I always seperate Bible Fact from WT speculation, and, because I have a VERY sharp tongue, the pretenders I have met really regretted trying to scam ME! heh
You made the mistake of focusing on Men, rather than God; there will ALWAYS be Pretenders waiting to harm in EVERY religion-until the Day of God's anger!
Actually, you can find everything you need to disprove Jehovah's Witnesses as a religion by looking only at their teachings about false religion, only apply the teachings to them. You have to look at the men teaching you about God, just as the bible has always warned people to do. If you don't, aren't you disobeying scripture?
I doubt anyone would debate that God wouldn't use dishonesty as a tactic to promote, or even protect "The Truth" or people in it, but it's there in the religious group you are defending, over and over, since the whole thing began. Can you follow the Bible's advice and keep searching, using the intellect you were given, or will you always defer to people who CLAIM they know more than you do? Maybe they do know more than you about a lot of things, but that's your own fault, it's all out there for you to find.
WLG, I do not "PROTECT" my Brotherhood- only sahre their goal; to glorify Chriost- and his God!
I protect Bible TRUTH, to the best of my ability, and prefer to focus on scripture, rather than people!
Unless YOU are the pinnacle of truth and wisdom! heh
WLG, I do not "PROTECT" my Brotherhood- only sahre their goal; to glorify Chriost- and his God!
Wow where the hell did you learn to spell ?
This might be a tell tale on your education level and why you cant comprehend what you have gotten yourself
involved with ( a bogus religious publishing company )
Ps. it was bogus back in Russell day, Rutherford's day and it still is to this day ( a self devised, self empowering kingdom of corruption )
When someone comes upon a forum where they know ex Witnesses are, and challenges them, and the forum responds as has to be anticipated, that's not an unfair fight.
That's either throwing yourself on a grenade to save the rest of your platoon or purposely stepping on a landmine to get out of the war.
The fact is, you cannot, by definition call something "the Truth" when it doesn't fit the criteria of absolute truth in every sense of the word. It's as simple as looking at a dictionary:
Truth: Middle English trewthe, from Old English treowth fidelity; akin to Old English treowe faithful — more at true
Date: before 12th century
1 aarchaic:fidelity, constancyb: sincerity in action, character, and utterance
2 a (1): the state of being the case :fact(2): the body of real things, events, and facts :actuality(3)often capitalized: a transcendent fundamental or spiritual reality b: a judgment, proposition, or idea that is true or accepted as true <truths of thermodynamics> c: the body of true statements and propositions
3 a: the property (as of a statement) of being in accord with fact or reality bchiefly British:true 2 c:fidelity to an original or to a standard
4capitalizedChristian Science:godI can accept what Witnesses believe as their spiritual reality, as in definition 2 (like any other faith), or sincerity, as there are no doubt many sincere Witnesses (just like any other faith) there, but that's not the same as scientific truth or the body or real events, things and facts.
I had an elder of good standing, my former Congregation overseer, admit to me once that what Witnesses have is a kind of spiritual truth, but not THE truth about everything. He was a physics professor many years ago, gave it up to be a Witness of course, but he could never convince himself that what the Witnesses believe is the absolute truth.
That's pretty honest, I wonder how long it'll take for total cognitive dissonance to catch up with this guy? After comparing many religions, which the Witnesses seem to appear to encourage, I've noticed that all religions make similar claims. All claim truth, that they are "right" (righteous?), to understand the writings of their faith and interpret them correctly, to be the religion God most approves of and to be the religion that will make you feel spiritually fulfilled and happy.
All those differing beliefs and Gods, and yet, everyone thinks they're IT. So that leaves you with three possibilities. Because we're talking reality, here, not someone's totally subjective spiritual experiences.
1. One religion is correct and the only one that has the right ideas about life, the universe, the nature of God or gods, and all the others are wrong.
2. Some religions are right because they teach similar things, and the others are wrong because they deviate more from those few that are right.
3. All religions claim to be right or "the truth", but since spiritual experience is totally subjective, the word "right" is misapplied here, since where everything is subjective, there is no right or wrong, just what suits you or what you prefer.
Witnesses, of course, believe the first supposition, that they're right and everyone else is wrong. But, so do Muslims, Mormons, and any number of other churches and religions and philosophies. If you're going for a "them vs. US" argument, you have to prove absolute truth and consistantly always having that truth, and no religion meets that criteria. NONE.
Some people believe 2, that Christianity or Judaism or Islam is correct, in general categories and as long as you stick with "Christian" for example which teaches roughly the same things, you're fine. You still think the Jews or Buddhists are wrong, but you're fine with anyone Christian.
I happen, after long deliberation, to subscribe to three, which seems most accurate to me. I admit that anything spiritual is totally subjective, and in that sense, is true for the person experiencing it. If you're not trying to prove absolute truth, which is nearly impossible, you don't get yourselves painted into that corner where you're constantly trying to "prove" your faith, which isn't possible anyway.
I understand why atheists want to choke the living crap out of theists sometimes, because they keep trying to argue their beliefs, which are totally subjective, on the basis of reason and logic, which are totally OBJECTIVE, and man, you just cannot get anywhere doing that. It's harder than trying to prove "what is art?" which is also totally subjective and people argue about endlessly. Best summed up with the quote, "I know what art isn't." With art, as with music or spiritual transcendence, you are having an entirely emotional response to something called art, and if you don't have that, it's not art to you.
Might as well pound nails with your forehead all day than try to prove a subjective emotion as The Absolute Truth for Everyone as the Witnesses do with their beliefs..I know I'd rather. I'm so OVER trying to prove what I believe. It's not possible, it's not required and therefore, a waste of time.
On scientific matters, I use logic. When I want to walk out into nature and have a spiritual experience, I use other parts of my brain. I think everyone can do that, but don't confuse one with the other or your brain will bleed.