If you are divorced, female, in your 40s, and have children, staying a witless means trouble. There is an excellent chance that you will have to work to support yourself financially (at some menial job, at that), plus put in field circus and go to all the boasting sessions. If the children are all gone, child support will not be an issue for either side. The chances for remarriage are bleak in the religion, and not only because of a shortage of "brothers". Every time you find someone you are interested in, the hounders will do all they can to bust it up. Then, there is a very good chance that you will find another rotten jerk that only wants everything you do to be what he tells you to.
Later in life, you will become destitute. I have seen this happen, and those "sisters" usually end up having very little because they cannot save up anything for retirement. More common than not, their health will start breaking down, and you will become dependent on other "sisters" to get around (like to boasting sessions or out in field circus). You will not be allowed to seek rides from "brothers", because they will think fornication is imminent (which usually is not the case). You will die stagnant, heavy of heart, not having any experiences beyond pio-sneering and boasting sessions, and almost certainly destitute (yet, I have seen "sisters" in this situation put wads of $20 bills into the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund like nothing).
I do not recommend staying a witless.