Wouldn't the death of three suffice?

by AK - Jeff 56 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    It's been 2000 years since that sacrifice was given. I don't think Jesus ever promised that suffering would end on earth. He said we would have the poor with us always. The only promise he made was to bring his followers to where he was when they died.

    I am not convinced that mankind was ever meant to live forever on this earth. Physical bodies can't last forever unless you break all the natural laws.

  • Finally-Free
    There's much more to the story.

    Then why can't God be bothered explaining it to us in a clear and concise manner? Or has the suffering become a source of entertainment for him?

    If my bird caught his leg in a toy I wouldn't just watch to see how long it would take for his thrashing to tear the leg off entirely. I'd help him. Why won't an "almighty" "loving" God do the same?


  • snowbird


    The WT convinced us it had the answers, which only led to more questions.

    As for me now, I'm content to allow the above African-American spiritual to speak to how I feel.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Thanx for posting that link Syl. I luv's ya' too. I love that old negro spiritual as well.

    You're a good soul, Sylvia.


  • BurnTheShips


    Who says there aren't psalmists any longer?

    For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.

  • snowbird

    You're welcome, and also a good soul, Jeff.


  • PSacramento
    Then why can't God be bothered explaining it to us in a clear and concise manner? Or has the suffering become a source of entertainment for him?
    If my bird caught his leg in a toy I wouldn't just watch to see how long it would take for his thrashing to tear the leg off entirely. I'd help him. Why won't an "almighty" "loving" God do the same?

    A very valid question.

    I really wish I had an answer for you, bit I don't.

    We don't know why, all we can do is speculate.

    We have his word, or we don't, that is subject to debate.

    We have faith and perhaps faith is truly the only answer we can have.

    God has given us the tools we need to make thiw world a paradise or a crap hole, this is fact.

    What we do with them is up to us.

    So maybe we shouldn't be aske why God hasn't done anything but shoudl be asking why WE haven't done any of the things we are capable of and fix all the problems we have that we can indeed fix.

  • undercover
    God (who really doesn't care what anyone else thinks...

    I thought the whole reason to allow sinful man to continue was to prove that man couldn't rule on his own and to show that only HE, God, could rule effectively. If God didn't care what people thought he'd wipe out the whole lot of usurpers and either start over or say 'fuck it...it ain't worth the trouble' and go do something else in some other part of the cosmos.

    The fact that he wanted people to see the folly of their ways proves that he does care what they think.

    Which brings God down to our level, the human level, which is who invented him in the first place...

  • poopsiecakes

    It's the inconsistency that throws the theology out of whack since god had no moral issue committing genocide with the flood, then using his 'people' to follow that bloodthirsty example and destroy entire populations including children...so glad I don't believe in this stuff anymore but it's still great fun to dissect!

  • snowbird

    {{I thought the whole reason to allow sinful man to continue was to prove that man couldn't rule on his own and to show that only HE, God, could rule effectively.}}

    That there is WT speak.

    I have faith that there is much more to the story.


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