I just had a quick look at the NWT on the watchtower site. I compared the the dietary instructions given to Adam to those given to Noah after the flood. After the flood Noah was told:
Gen. 9:3Every moving animal that is alive may serve as food for YOU . As in the case of green vegetation, I do give it all to YOU .
Compare to instructions given to Adam:
Gen. 1:29, 30 And God went on to say: “Here I have given to YOU all vegetation bearing seed which is on the surface of the whole earth and every tree on which there is the fruit of a tree bearing seed. To YOU let it serve as food. 30And to every wild beast of the earth and to every flying creature of the heavens and to everything moving upon the earth in which there is life as a soul I have given all green vegetation for food.” And it came to be so.
So humans were given only vegetation bearing seeds and fruit. The green vegetation was given to animals. Like meat, green vegetation wasn't specifically given to humans until after the flood.
No mention is made of potatos, carrots, or even tree sap. Being a meat and potatos kind of guy, as well as liking maple glazed carrots, I guess there's no place for me in the new system™.
I think all the dietary restrictions, as well as the "forbidden fruit" are a bunch of crap.
Off to have a steak now.