Wouldn't the death of three suffice?

by AK - Jeff 56 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • undercover
    That there is WT speak.

    Okay...leave out the WT inspired intentions of God. It still doesn't show why God just didn't stomp out the sinners and start over. If he doesn't care what others think, he could just squash every case of mutiny as it happens and it never gets out of control.

    It's like a man who starts a company and builds widgets. He invented the widget, it's his company. Along comes some upstart that says he can do better and proceeds to try to run the company the way he thinks it ought to be done. What does the owner do? Does he say, "ya know, I'm gonna let this guy run this company into the ground...just to prove how wrong he is" or... would he fire the guy and keep running the company in a profitable manner...saving the company and the jobs of all the other employees, thus benefiting everyone who was loyal to the company?

  • OnTheWayOut

    I don't think the original tale invented about the Garden of Eden was a morality tale about disobedience leading to sin and loss of everlasting life.
    I think it was a tale of disobedience leading to suffering because the God of these people was a real S.O.B.. "Watch your back around that guy."

  • Larsinger58

    BASICALLY, the only way to SAVE mankind is that be born and live for a while. Then even if they died, they could come back on Judgment Day and get a second chance.

    The pain is worth the gain. Better suffer now and have life later. If God had started all over with a new Adam and Eve then YOU and ME wouldn't have this chance. So he let all the suffering take place so we could have life. It's a high price to pay.

    But given the choice for your child to be in pain for a while so she could live forever? Wouldn't you? Don't we undergor surgery? cut of a limb, to save the person?

    Those suffering people will have a chance at eternal life now. I think they'd consider it worth it.

    I do. Why let Satan win?


  • thetrueone

    Isn't it the fact though that the god of the ancient Israelites had to be created first before the story of the Garden of Eden was ever told.

    If god was watching Satan tempt Eve why didn't he stop him from destroying all that he created on earth including Adam and Eve ?

    Why should have Adam and Eve be punished for eating that apple since prior to eating it they had no knowledge of good and evil ?

    Inquisitive minds want to know .

  • Larsinger58

    I don't think the original tale invented about the Garden of Eden was a morality tale about disobedience leading to sin and loss of everlasting life.
    I think it was a tale of disobedience leading to suffering because the God of these people was a real S.O.B.. "Watch your back around that guy

    MY, you're bitter aren't you? You want to be mad at God but you can't really be.

    Anyway, even if you God is a SOB, as I suppose Satan does too, we've decided to play the "Lifespan" card. That is, God is a creator and he gives temporary life to many things from plants to animals. He decides lifespans.

    So basically, he is pleading "no contest" to any judgments against him. He's given everybody 80 years, good and bad. Everybody dies when their time is up. No judgments. Good or bad, you get 80 years. Then you die. Good or bad. If you think God is great. You die. If you think God is not so great, you die. Simple.

    Except, some who God and myself like, we bring back to live eternally. Sour pusses we let sleep. Why give them an eternity of being dissatisfied with how God and I decide to run things?

    With this plan, millenniums of Satan's arguments and contrivances are suddenly silenced. We don't have to listen to a single concern.

    God tricked Satan. Satan thought he was killing all mankind, billions, in one fell swoop! And he was!!! He did murder them! All of them. Only thing is, what's the big deal with all the good ones will be resurrected? Point being, he thought he was killing them permanently and was glad to self-destruct as well, like a suicide bomber who basks in the thought of the glory of killing many with his own death. Only in reality, Satan only killed those God was going to kill himself anyway, the wicked. All the good will be resurrected. So Satan doesn't win. He, on the other hand, will be gone for good. For an eternity of non-existence.

    Sure, he killed God's loved ones, but what does it matter if they all come back? And won't they appreciate perfection, health and happiness compared to living under Satan's rule and imperfection. Maybe that's part of it! You tend to appreciate what you have once you've lost it or known worse.

    So, the great tribulation is coming soon. If you're were planning to see Disney World or Antartica, I'd book soon!!


  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    I think even three deaths is too many.

    Death and killing folks is not the way to solve a problem.

    Unless you are a godless pagan, then you deserve to die after being tortured for a while. It's the Christian way, don't ya know?

    I jest ofcourse! Except for the first two lines.

    But seriously, if I had a super brain like God should have, I am quite certain I could come up with a plan that made sense and also didn't involve the outrageous pain and suffering and horrific deaths that humanity has suffered over the centuries.

    But hey, I am just a dumb mortal. What do I know?

    The Oracle

  • OnTheWayOut

    MY, you're bitter aren't you? You want to be mad at God but you can't really be.

    C'mon now. Read it with honesty and stop pretending God has contacted you as his "elect" one.
    (Or seek professional help if you believe that crap) ...how God and I run things.... Indeed. Get some help.

    This has nothing to do with bitterness. The story really seems to be a story about the snake honestly telling the woman a fact and God doing just what the snake said. The snake seduced her with truth and God messed up the couple for daring to want to be like him.

    Satan was a later invention.

  • Finally-Free
    Except, some who God and myself like, we bring back to live eternally.

    I guess God didn't tell you yet. You're fired because you're not taking your meds. He's hired me instead.


  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Think about it, if there were an imperfection in Adam to start with how would we know? He who had it all written has a bit of an advantage don't you think? What if he was covering his ass on this and gave us the whole story because he can't do anything about it? Or, what if he doesn't exist and this is some story written by simple people to explain why we die? Remember, the whole loss of perfection thing came up a thousand or so years after the intial telling of the tale. It became something it didn't intend, the basis of the New World Society... W.Once

  • crapola

    I have wondered the same thing many times. It just does not make sense.

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