Has Global Warming Reached The Tipping Point of No Return?

by frankiespeakin 100 Replies latest jw friends

  • villabolo


    Not even close.

    One volcano can put several orders of magnitude more greenhouse gases in the atmosphere than ALL the greenhouse gases man has put in the atmosphere since the beginning of the industrial age.

    The whole climate change hysteria is total nonsense.

    With all due respect HappyGuy, that statement about volcanos putting out hundreds and thousands of times as much CO2 as the entire industrial revolution, is downright ridiculous. If it were true it would have shown up in the ice core evidence.


  • HappyGuy


    you are saying that there has never been an eruption of a super volcano anytime in earth's past that put out that much greenhouse gas?

    you might want to research that question before you answer it or you will be the one looking ridicoulous, with all due respect.


  • villabolo

    "Has Global Warming Reached The Tipping Point of No Return?"

    Frankie, there are probably two or more tipping points. The one to look out for is the complete or nearly complete disappearance of summer ice in the arctic ocean. That may decrease the albedo (reflectivity) of the ocean and warm up the Ocean and its surroundings. If it does then the Siberian/ Alaskan/Canadian permafrost, which is already melting and giving off Carbon Dioxide and Methane. There is enough organic matter in the permafrost, should it be substantially thawed out, to elevate our levels of CO2 tremendously.


  • JWoods

    Of course, that ice is actually fresh water - and the melt would be cold. This could disrupt the natural circulatory current of the ocean, and some theories hold that it could suddenly tip things into a major cold era. Some believe that this was one of the tipping points for the previous major ice age.

    Point being - we just don't really know.

  • villabolo


    "you are saying that there has never been an eruption of a super volcano anytime in earth's past that put out that much greenhouse gas?"

    HappyGuy you originally stated that "one volcano" can accomplish that, which leads one to believe that you are talking about ordinary volcanos throughout the last few milleniums not the supervolcanos from hundreds of millions of years ago. Your phrasing led me to the worse volcanos that occured during the historical past such as Krakatoa and Santorini which blew themselves up completely. These eruptions and the CO2 let out by them would have been very easily detectable by ice core evidence.

    Now in your response you no longer mention a single volcano but a "super volcano anytime in earth's past". I'm sure that one of those big mommas from hundreds of millions of years ago could have equaled man's current contributions but don't you realize that it is volcanic eruptions like those that are blamed for massive extinctions?

    By the way, as a side issue since you brought up the past, the sun was cooler back then yet the climate was warmer. This is because there was more CO2 to compensate for the Sun's relative weakness as well as make the temperature warmer. As such, it is not a good idea to make straight analogies between the modern industrialized earth and the ancient earth, let alone base our future on it.


  • frankiespeakin


    It would be nice if they could work up some really good mathematical models, that could better demonstrate what happens that is in harmony with the geological record.

    I think the Daisy world model makes some good points about the non intelligent dynamics at work in the earth's temperature regulating systems. I look forward to some better models as time goes on.

    As far as the past sun's output and earth's past orbital distance not to mention rotational speed all played a part in the temperature regulation. I would like to search for and find a more accurate model on the net. I have studied the theory of Chaos some and nonlinear bifurcating equations that have opened my mind population steady states thrown out of equilibrium and then back again.


  • frankiespeakin


    Some believe that this was one of the tipping points for the previous major ice age.
    Point being - we just don't really know.

    At least for layman like ourselves this is true, it would be nice if we could get some really good mathematicians on this to be conclusive and come up with some really good mathematical models that would make predictions that could be positively test. As it is I base my feelings and intuitions on what Lovelock is saying it sorta rings a bell with me even though my knowledge is purely from a layman's point of view.

  • frankiespeakin


    I'm with Villa, on the volcano thing like the one where old faithful is when that one blew the climate went in to some really big changes.


    How Is a Supervolcano Different From a Normal Volcano?

    A normal volcano occurs when pressure beneath the earth builds and is periodically released via eruption. Over time, these eruptions form a cone. The caldera is the opening at the center of the volcanic cone through which magma is released.

    A supervolcano, however, has no cone through which magma is directed. The caldera of a supervolcano is merely a massive depression within the Earth’s crust. Like a normal volcano, magma will build beneath the crust until the pressure must be released. The caldera of a supervolcano, however, is much larger than that of a normal volcano and capable of releasing over a trillion tons of magma when it erupts, resulting in a nuclear winter for the Earth’s inhabitants.

    Read more at Suite101: The Supervolcano at Yellowstone National Park: A Volcanic Eruption at Yellowstone Could Result in Nuclear Winter | Suite101.comhttp://volcanoes.suite101.com/article.cfm/the_supervolcano_at_yellowstone_national_park#ixzz0aS7rGAQs

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    Once upon a time, when the earth was a frozen brick, all the ice melted and here we are.

    what nobody can tell us is who caused global warming a million trillion whatever years ago in the first place. Did all the Mamoths fart all at once?

    Humans causing global warming has as much truth to it as the JW.


  • Jazzbo

    The short answer is "no". It has been warmer in the past and it has been colder in the past. There has been more CO2 in the past and there has been less CO2 in the past. Climate changes, it is cyclical and the record doesn't match up to the fear mongering climate models that are being foisted on a gullible public. What kind of cretin decides that the last century or so is the perfect temperature and must be maintained for all eternity of life will end? Barnum was obviously correct.

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