Right to Die Issue Terminally Ill, Hopelessly Paralized, Etc..What Are Your Thoughts?

by frankiespeakin 57 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • frankiespeakin

    First off let me say this is not about me, I'm happy and healthy. It really about all the suffering I see people going thru. Examples in my family over the years have caused me to think very seriously this.

    I could give you a couple of examples and I'm sure some of our posters can tell other horror stories they'd witnessed where perhaps it would have been much better for them and their family if they could have passed away painlessly and with much more dignity.

    One of my sisters developed breast cancer and died after about a 12month struggle, we saw her waste away to just skin and bones, it was hard on me as well as her two young children and husband. I remember the hospice lady and the final trip to the hospital and her thrashing for the last couple of days hooked up to the IV. Thank God the doctor kept giving her huge doses of Morphine which weakened her heart and she died.

    She went thru a lot of pain and finally died at only 31 years of age. I can't help but think if she would have been given the chance to die with dignity how much suffering every one could have been spared. Something I often think about this time of years even though it was over twenty years ago, it has made me think rather deeply about the subject.

    I did some research on the net and came across this painless way using either pure nitrogen or helium what are your thoughts and please this is a serious discussion let keep thoughtful and mature. I know some will consider this taboo and not to be discussed but as we can see Washington and Oregon has passed euthanasia laws which I feel should be discussed too.

    Here is some of the stuff on the net that I think is very reasonable especially if someone is suffering with a terminal illness with no hope of getting better, myself I find it no problem reading this or sharing it after all we all for the most part are mature adults, I know the religious fanatics may get a little upset with this matter of fact type of discussion




  • LucyA

    I believe that we should allow assisted suicide I watched as my happy exuberant grandfather went from who he was too an angry spiteful malnourished shadow of his former self my grandfather was an extremely dignified man WW2 vet who spent the last YEAR of his life languishing in pain and begging the Doctors to let him die. I will never forgive our society for showing more compassion to our pets than to ourselves.

  • frankiespeakin


    You know I feel the same way. That's why I thought I should bring up the subject we shouldn't allow religious fanatic to over rule what is a person choice or impose their ideas on those that are really suffering.

  • cantleave

    I think we should have the right to die a dignified death when the time comes. I have seen to people who ,due to wasting dieseases , have become shells of their former selves. They do not want to lose their dignity but thier deathis prolonged unnecessarily, it is would be a kindness to speed up the process. Where do you draw the line as to whenyou assist with the dying process? When the patient decides not the clinician.

  • FlyingHighNow

    If you've ever been in pain or felt horribly sick for days or months, even years of time, then you'll understand why people might want to hasten death.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I have no problem with dignified euthanasia. My concern lies with the danger that is always possible for government or others to take it to the next step and taking it out of the hands of the individual. I fear this could happen.


  • frankiespeakin

    I think if a person knows he is going to die they should be allowed to keep their dignity and choose when or how.

    It seems terrible that the laws prevent one from exercising this most elementary human right, and will prosecute those that assist a loved one if it is so their desire.

    They should be able to have a will drawn up and notarized in some legally acceptable way to keep the one who may be assisting free from prosecution, I think that is what respect is.

  • mamochan13

    Having once been in a situation where I was on a respirator and helpless to communicate when being mistreated by a nurse, I strongly feel that if I were hopelessly paralized I'd want the right to die option. I saw my own grandfather beg for death when paralyzed by a stroke yet forced to remain alive year after year in a hospital with no quality of life.

    I do think, however, that Jeff brings up a good point. How the decision is carried out and by whom is a big part of it. If I'm still lucid and in control of my mind I want to be the one who decides when to pull the plug. But I may not be in control. So who do I want making the decision? Do I put that burden on my children? Do I want some bureaucrat, judge, politician, doctor, nurse deciding for me?

  • frankiespeakin


    My concern lies with the danger that is always possible for government or others to take it to the next step and taking it out of the hands of the
    individual. I fear this could happen.

    I don't think that really is a justifiable fear, and have a funny suspicion that that argument comes from those opposed to this basic human right which is probably rooted in some religious belief that all life is a gift from God and that one should under no circumstances take his own life no matter how much they are suffering.

  • LucyA

    Mamochan you could always do what I did after my Grandfathers death create a living will with some very exact instructions (mine goes on for three pages) and nominate someone as you power of attorney who you know will obey your wishes.

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