i'm 2nd generation. well that word just lost its meaning so i'm 2nd decendant.
they're hijacking the language
by Ultimate Reality 385 Replies latest watchtower bible
i'm 2nd generation. well that word just lost its meaning so i'm 2nd decendant.
they're hijacking the language
great post neverendingjourney - spot on.
Jesus meant....... geez louise
*** w50 8/15 p. 263 Name and Purpose of The Watchtower ***
However, The Watchtower does not claim to be inspired in its utterances, nor is it dogmatic.
So this noo-light too will one day be old light.......and the words seems, evidently and logically too will once again be employed to revise it.
He evidently meant that the lives of the anointed
who were on hand when the sign began to become
evident in 1914 would overlap with the lives of other
anointed ones who would see the start of the great
At least they wont need to make another change in the 'generation' teaching. They've got it covered from here on in.
We should all start phoning the Writing Department demanding an explanation. LOL!
What on earth are you talking about? Phoning the writing department... hell, they don't even know what's going on. They're more confused than a bi-sexual at an orgy.
Phoning the writing department... hell, they don't even know what's going on
You've got that right. You should have heard the conversation I had with one of bozos when I called there last summer about the blood doctrine. I had a copy of my project sitting in front of me and I knew all the useless arguments he was going to try. He seemed somewhat stupefied at my arguments and cut the conversation short with a vague "well if noo-lite needs to come from Jehovah on this, it'll come through the faithful and discreet slave." In the meantime, he urged me to go back to the meetings "before it's toooooo late."
It appears to be similar to the "Hands Across America" campaign back in the 1980's where Americans lined up across the US at the same time to create an unbroken chain. Now the Society wants to create an unbroken link across multiple generations. I have heard it will be called "Annointed Across Generations."
Now the Society wants to create an unbroken link across multiple generations. I have heard it will be called "Annointed Across Generations."
They only have 144,000 of said "anointed" to play around with, so this ruse can't go on forever, especially since a lot of those 144,000 have already been "used up" throughout the more than 130 years since Russell began publishing Zion's Watchtower and Herald of Christ's Presence. Of course, they can always come up with some new light to explain things away...
I mean when you know, you know. You know?
They will explain it away - even though they have the 'heavenly hope', only jehover knows if they will be accepted in the heavens or live forever in paradise on erf by a waterfall cleaning up lion poop for eternity....
Watchtower lurkers from the writing department - hintey hint-hint!