Even if the number surpasses 144,000 they will have "new light" that will explain it.
The Annointed - How Many?
In the past few years lovers of truth have taken notice that the number of annointed seems to have surpassed the 144,000 mentioned in Revelation chapters 7 and 14. Can this be reconciled with the Bible? Happily the answer is "Yes". We can see an example of this in Matther 18:22 where Peter asked him "Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Up to seven times?" Jesus answered him, "I tell you, not just seven times, but seventy times seven."
So apparently it was not the traditional seven times as had been the custom for generations, but seventy times seven. Applying that Bible rule, we then multiply 70 times 144,000 and we arrive at 10,080,000. Logically, this means that with just over 7 million Jehovahs Witnesses worldwide, we are now part that heavenly class. This alerts faithful stewards of Gods word that the day of Jehovah is closer than ever before. This number will evidently be completed in just a few years and the task of gathering the Great Crowd will begin. What a loving God Jehovah is to reveal to his faithful slave in the last days that all baptized servants of Jehovah have now been invited to be a part of the ruling class!
We can even more appreciate the words of Daniel who described Jehovah as "the unveiler of secrets" Dan 2:29 (partial quote).
Watchtower 06/15/2023, page 6.