NEW GENERATION DEFINED -- April 15, 2010 Watchtower

by Ultimate Reality 385 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • sd-7

    Come on. Can't you see the TV deals in the making? A new history book, perhaps. "The Anointed Ones: The Next Generation". It won't matter. It's been at the point where no one will bat an eye at any of this for some time.

    I wonder sometimes...when the Kool-Aid arrives, should I drink the red, or the blue? Maybe they'll let me mix them together. Actually, that seems like a good idea. I'm already adding more and more Kool-Aid to my diet, so...I'm looking forward to it, really. "Let us go also, that we may die with him," as the scripture says.


  • agent zero
    agent zero

    on the way out:

    I imagine the 2075 study article will include the illustration of the shingles on a roof. "Although a single shingle is only 10 inches wide, it overlaps 5 inches with the shingle above and 5 inches with the shingle below to form a single roof. The generation of the anointed in the last day is like that overlapping roof."

    ha, good one! "and no one can say how big that roof is to be, so therefore it's imperative that we stay on the watch, as it remains evident that the end could possibly, maybe, somehow be sort of close"

  • agent zero
    agent zero

    what is this INSANE new definition of the word "generation"?? anyone who's lived at the same moment in time is part of the same generation?!? so i'm part of the same generation as my grandfather! and he in turn is part of the same generation as his grandfather, and so on and so on. so really there has only ever been one generation of humans, since we all overlap????

  • shamus100

    Agent Zero,

    It's quite simple, really.

    It's the same generation that saw the same generation from the generation from the year 1914 - not the previous generation nor the generation of their forefathers, but the generation that saw the generation that saw the events of 1914 and later saw that generation of the annointed come to fruition.

    My god, could you imagine them trying to explain this all to a judge?

  • agent zero
    agent zero

    if only this would shake the apples out of the tree.

    but in reality, i think most, especially the younger ones who were raised in it and never knew anything else, will be more concentrated on converting the paragraph into their own words for a decent sounding wt comment, then on what the paragraph actually says, since they dont really care what it says anyway.

    either that, or they'll be too busy daydreaming about normal things during the 3 minutes it'll take to cover the paragraph, and the whole thing just slips by unnoticed.

  • agent zero
    agent zero

    speaking of that, why does such a big and important topic only get 2 meazly paragraphs in the wt article?? shouldn't it have a whole article dedicated to it, if not the entire issue??

  • greenie

    Maybe you should just make a JW explain the current concept to you in great detail BEFORE April 2010.

  • Aeiouy

    Wait a minute wait a minute. I'm confused. This could be very enlightening. So does this mean that "I" am of the 1914 generation? So now I can say that my Great Grandma and myself are of the same "generation"? Of course! That makes perfect sense! Why didn't we receive this new Light earlier........


  • WTWizard

    The simpler version: Someone of the "anointed" that saw 1914 (=having been born in that year) and living 120 years, would reach the year 2034. Therefore, any "anointed" born in or before 2034 could still be alive at the start of the Tribulation, which could last any length of time (including forever).

    This pushes the possible start as late as the year 2154! With that much time, I don't see what the hell is the rush in getting everyone to sell out and pio-sneer, just so they can grow old and die (celibate, at that) and have another 80 or 90 years left.

  • neverendingjourney
    I honestly don't think that there is anything they could publish which would provoke a 'mass exodus.

    I agree. To understand why, let's look at the reasons why most join and/or remain in the religion:

    1. People who buy into the theology

    The centerpiece of modern JW theology is the organization concept, i.e., Jehovah deals directly with an organization and only those who belong to such organization will survive Armageddon. A corrolarly to that is the Jehovah-knows-better-than-you doctrine. Regardless of how nonsensical a doctrine or idea may seem to you (think of God's command to Abraham requiring him to sacrifice Isaac), Jehovah (through his "organization") is always right. Therefore, honest-hearted JWs will swallow their doubts and quickly embrace whatever nonsense is thrown their way. It's known as mind control to the rest of the world.

    2. People who join and/or remain in the church for companionship reasons

    My mother is one of the least intellectually-curious persons you will ever meet. If you show her a map or talk to her about history, she will cringe. She doesn't like to be bothered with that type of stuff. She joined the religion because of how well-behaved she perceived JW children to be. She was impressed. She was an immigrant woman raising her kids in a foreign country where she didn't speak the native tongue. All of a sudden a well-dressed couple approached her and invited her to a religious service where the children were all dressed up and stayed in their seats for the entire two hours. That was proof enough for her. She signed up as soon as she could. That was the environment in which she wanted to raise her kids. She couldn't explain to you what it is exactly that Jehovah's Witnesses believe with any detail, but that's not what motivated her. The companionship/familial aspect of JWism is not affected by their constant rewriting of doctrine.

    3. People who join and/or remain in the church for family reasons or for fear of being excommunicated

    Many, if not most, of the born-ins fit this category, especially those whose entire extended families are in the group. To be excommunicated would mean being cut off from most everyone you know. You would have to spend years creating a new life for yourself. Freedom from JWism is simply not worth the cost to many of these people. Therefore, there is an entire sub-culture of young two-face JWS, especially in large cities. These kids go through the motions and do what is expected of them superficially, but behave in a completely different manner when they're by themselves. A change in the generation doctrine is not going to make the price of leaving the religion any more bearable.

    4. People who remain in the church because they dedicated too much of their lives to the religion and realizing they were deceived is too much to bear.

    This encompassses people who spent multiple decades of their lives in the church, who married someone who was "spiritual" but whom they didn't love, who gave up a college education and/or a good job, who chose not to have children in order to dedicate more time to "the kingdom interests," etc. To come to the realization that you spent your life in pursuit of man-made rules and that there will be no reward for your sacrifice is simply unbearable. As a protection, the mind simply discards any evidence that the WT is wrong. The thought of having to face that reality is simply not worth it to a lot of "old timers." Changing the generation doctrine once again won't make the process any easier to bear. Besides, these folks have seen the WT undergo much bigger changes.

    So, in sum, I agree with you. I fully expect this newest change to go un-noticed by most JWs, at least publicly.

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