I would be more worried about the possibility of marrying an abuser than someone that is much older. From what I have been seeing, all too many witless men are abusive. They abuse their children--and it is not just a spanking, but severe beatings and worse. I have heard of husbands that control their wives to death--in the congregation I used to attend, I saw this too often. The slimebag that dragged me into the cancer already lost one wife who got tired of his tyranny, and had just married another. Within 4 years, she also got tired of his absolute tyranny. This is also not good for any children--who are invariably dragged along in and out of the boasting sessions, and moved from apartment to apartment every few months.
Additionally, I have seen way too many serious crimes committed by witlesses in recent years. The pedophiles are a major issue. Better someone that is much older than someone that is "age appropriate" and a pedophile--who might commit incest against the children. And, with the push to recruit from prisons and mental institutions, I would be worried more about having someone that is going to eat the babies (this already happened once, and was reported on this site and Six Screens of the Watchtower last August).
I think I would rather take chances on someone that is not "age appropriate" and is not going to molest the children that result, abuse those children, beat or tyrannize the wife, or eat the babies.