God and Suffering

by AK - Jeff 322 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • designs

    Perry you sound more and more like the rabid Witnesses, a black and white world with few colors and hues.

    All you did was change addresses.

    ahem... it was you I was quoting. Fundamentalists, they only think they own Christianity

    Study Learn Contemplate, maybe a good read by one of the Existentialists would open things up a bit. In time maybe.

  • Perry


    You are welcome to spout your condensions all you want. They hold about as much water as the liberal WT views that I grew up with. When you are ready, I would love to hear your liberal Christian view of the problem of evil WITHOUT the fundamental concept of the children of God and the children of Adam.

    You and I both know that liberal logic is an oxymoron just the same as Watchtower logic. My challenge to you still stands. Do you accept or will you run away like the Jehovah's Witnesses when their liberal views are invited to be examined?

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    Suffering is deserved.Perhaps the most widespread view, on this account when people suffer it is because they are wicked, sinful, and deserving.They’ve done something that is so evil that they now deserve to have awful things happen to them.They’ve got slow starvation, cancer, drowning, dismemberment, or painful disease coming to them.

    It may be the Catholic/JW view, but not the bibles.

    This is misleading, it's not as much about what a person has done, but, what they are. In other words, we are all sinners. We sin because we (even babies) are sinners, we are not sinners just because we have sinned. Think of it like being born with a human (sinful) nature. We all deserve hell (not that we all recieve it).

  • designs

    Perry Perry-

    Tetonic plates, you build your Church on top of an active one and it will come down in a heap, prayer or no prayer.


  • Perry

    Designs, Remember those occasional doors (when we were JW's) where the householder (with KJ Bible in tow) would walk with you all the way to the street as we were trying to politely get the heck away from him? Remember the relentless questions we couldn't answer? Remember the look of total confidence in their eyes? We thought they were demonized....remember? Well they weren't. They just knew the bible and weren't afraid to examine their beliefs....unlike you. You should be ashamed of yourself.

    Please designs, if you are right, you have an obligation to save us with your liberal model of good and evil as opposed to a biblical one. Please teach us. Let's shine some light on it. What do you have to lose?

  • cofty

    The blind faith statements being made here are not just an offense to intellect, they are morally bankrupt.

    Its not enough to be able to argue that your views are harmonious with biblical teachings. To those of us who have grown beyond slavish obedience to an ancient book it would be more relevant to hear how your god's inaction can be reconciled with morality.

    Is your god impotent, uncaring or vindictive? Statements of the "who are we to question god" kind wont do, our days of groveling before a tyrant are over.

  • jaguarbass

    I struggle to believe in Jesus, God and the bible.

    God has granted me a degree of faith.

    Still I question.

    Questioning doesnt lead me to peace.

    It takes me down a wild rabit hole, like the matrix where we are living in a computer simulation

    to make energy as batteries for machines. Those who are suffering are making energy through

    their suffering, those of us who are not suffering are making energy stressing about

    when will we be suffering?

    I have read a lot of Dawkins, just finished the greatest show on earth.

    I am not a Darwinisist, Dawkinist atheistic evolutioinist.

    I do see adaptation.

    Whether I believe in God or not.

    People, even I will suffer.

    Know God, Know peace.

    No God, no peace.

    Its simplistic but if I work it, it works for me.

    God doesnt make us love him. The bible tells us what is going on. We can accept

    or reject. Weigh it out and choose the idealogy with the best rewards and options.

    Were all going to die, atheist and theist.

    Each has to work out their own salvation and determine which unknown has the best upside, less downside

    and choose.

    Its a process, its a journey.

    If you have time I would suggest reading Dawkins, so you cant be accused of being ignorant.

    And then read " I dont have enough faith to be an atheist" by Geisler and Turek.

    If you read all of Dawkins it might take you a year or two. It will take you about a month

    to read Geisler and Turek.

    Dawkins most current work is the greatest Show on Earth. That is the current state of his

    evolutionary mind.

    I like Dawkins, I'm glad he's there doing what he is doing. I consider him a blessing and

    an agent of God. I dont think he would agree, but thats how I see it.

    I have a job where I can read all night. Most people I talk to dont have the time to read,

    most people I talk to buy books to put them on the shelf and dream of the day and the freedom

    they will have to read them, which never comes for many.

    I dont know if anybody here is at peace, or I suspect we wouldnt be coming here trying to

    work out and validate our feelings and thoughts.

    But then again I can imagine most peoples egos would take exception to my last statement.

  • cofty

    Jaguarbass, interesting thoughts.

    You speak about, upsides and downsides, peace, rewards and options. Is it not more productive to pursue evidence regardless of whether it leads to conclusions we find comforting?

    "Sit down before a fact as a little child, be prepared to give up every preconceived notion, follow humbly wherever and to whatever abysses nature leads, or you shall learn nothing" - Thomas Henry Huxley

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    LOL @ Jeff-"god payed himself off."

    @ Perry-If jws are liberal, I would hate to see conservative.

  • Perry

    Choosing Life,

    Jehovah's Witnesses are so liberal they have over 60 beliefs identical to atheists and opposite of Christians. I have posted these before....would you like to see them?

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