I'm Thinking of Becoming Canadian

by AllTimeJeff 76 Replies latest jw friends

  • AllTimeJeff

    I am sort of digging the Olympics. Plus, I used to live in a state that really should be annexed by Canada anyway, Michigan. But I love Hockey, Autumn, Maple Syrup, and Cold Weather. (I Also Like To Incorrectly Capitalize Words)

    Also, I am a Socialist Marxist Fascist. Should be a match made in heaven.

    Hey Canadians, how hard would it be for me to immigrate to Canada? I need health insurance.

  • shamus100

    Welcome my Marxist Friend! Heil Che!

    Unfortunately, Maple Syrup is from maple trees, and they are only out east.

    Not a lot of Canadians watch hockey, but it's okay that you do.

    How Hard would IT BE to immigrate to CAnadA? Well, you need money, a job, etc. Or you could just find a lover to marry and marry into the country.

    I love Canada, and wouldn't really want to live anywhere else. True, we have our problems and our cooks just like the good'ol usa, just not so pronounced due to our smallish population.

  • AllTimeJeff

    Wait, Maple Syrup doesn't come from Canada? I would fail the written citizen test. *sigh*

    Hey, at least I could bring some much needed passion to hockey. Look at all the teams that left. Looks like they need an infusion of caring about hockey.....

  • shamus100

    Yes, maple Syrup does come from Canada. It's just out east. It's extremely vast, you know.

    Hockey is very boring int he reg. season, IMO. Too hard to watch.

    Become a Marxist and you may find it easier to enter. Heil Che!

  • FreudianSlip
  • leec

    I'm also thinking of moving to Canada. The most appealing aspect of it is how few people there are, and even fewer of them are yanks. (see I already talk like one).

  • AllTimeJeff

    Frankly, I am jealous of Outlaw. He is all alone in the wilderness with the internet and beer. Molson to be exact.

    Oh yeah! I love Canadian Beer! There is another great reason.

  • shamus100

    As googling will tell you, becoming a Marxist is the cornerstone to entry into our great state! Our health-care is state sponsored, and our entire system went Marxism after that.

    Heil CHE!

    I find it funny that people want to live here just because they watch the olympics. F**k, SEattle has the same weather, same fault line, just a lot more weirdo's.

  • arwen

    I have a few female friends that would love to me you. I know a lot of people that bought land and have immigrated to Canada. Most of them are retired. I think if you have someone to sponsor you it would be much easier.. PM Me if we can help.. My husband and I live in Florida for the winter and love it for the weather but I am always happy to get home to Canada.. and I live in the East where the maply syrup flows.. What is your field of work?? We even have land we can sell you..The pace is pretty slow where we live so it would take some adjusting.. it is a pretty sweet place to settle down.

  • AllTimeJeff

    Thats cool. Thanks Arwen. So you all are snowbirds eh? I grew up in Hollywood Fla. During each winter, the amount of Canadian men in Speedo's shot up rapidly. I only remember this because we did street witnessing on the beach and I had to offer WT's to them all the time.... Thats tough on a teen...... ;)

    I will consider it in about 20 years, when I want to retire. Actually I want to retire now, but I can't...

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