Btw, its USA v Canada today. That is going to rock.
I'm Thinking of Becoming Canadian
by AllTimeJeff 76 Replies latest jw friends
Small world, I'm not far from Hollywood. Have been to the Griffin road assembly hall. But I've only been here 10 years.
I moved from Florida in 1995. My adult life has been spent elsewhere....
Cool. I hope polygamy is allowed in Canada. That would be about perfect..
Clicketey click click.
You are in fine company in this little community. You'll fit in fine.
You can have 1/4 ounce of weed on you up here and not worry too much about it either.
The weed keeps you braindead. Pity the witnesses wouldn't allow people to smoke it; the numbers would go up dramatically, although everyone would be late for meetings all the time.
Heil Che! Viva Castro! Como se llamo?
Heck lets all move to Canada, I'm sick of America right now! But gosh is so stinkin' cold there!
I have a crush on Canada right now. But my love will always be the USA. (that isn't to say I won't get some 'Canada' on the side whenever I can )
MOve to Toronto and you'll find the weather isn't too bad. Or vancouver. Calgary is very cold, and Manitoba is simply horrendously cold!
Canadians don't take themselves too seriously, and you can do what you want without the rednecks coming to kill you.
The nice thing about our summers is you don't have a lot of A/C days and can enjoy the summers a lot more, I find. Personally, I don't relish the extreme heat and the 'too hot' to go outside for a run crap.
We moved to Canada (Calgary). It's brilliant. It's a well known fact that Canada is way better than both the US and the US and only lets the best people in (so the less-best left behind get more concentrated)
Calgary isn't that cold - we do get some snow but we get plenty of Chinook days from the Rockies. They also provide a 'rain shadow' effect so it's way drier than Vancouver is (too much drizzle ... like Manchester).
The people here are nice, passionate about Hockey and very patriotic without being nationalistic - e.g. our curling team is behind to the UK and the audience burst into a spontaneous rendition of 'Oh Canada' instead of just chanting (ala 'USA USA').