I'm Thinking of Becoming Canadian

by AllTimeJeff 76 Replies latest jw friends

  • Farkel


    I'd think twice about moving to Canada if I were you. I've been there and you know what? Everywhere you look, all you see are Canadians!

    Farkel, Eh? CLASS

  • AllTimeJeff

    Farkel, I am watching the Olympics, and all I see are Canadians too!

    I am not liking my chances of becoming Canadian. Polygamy isn't an option for me. I am not rich. I am discouraged.

    Maybe I can move to North Dakota and ask Outlaw for a visit. He can teach me how to live the frontier life.

  • Farkel

    :Maybe I can move to North Dakota and ask Outlaw for a visit. He can teach me how to live the frontier life.

    What is a "North Dakota?"


  • thetrueone

    Hi Jeff ,

    Did anyone mention that Canadians on average live 3 years longer than Americans .

    Best thing to do Jeff is come up to Vancouver for a visit preferably in the summer

    and get a feel of what its like here. The winters here aren't too harsh, for example its

    55 degrees Fahrenheit today , clear skies, not a speck of snow unless your up in the mountains.

    One other poster quired me on visiting here and this was my reply.

    I'm pretty sure you will need a passport, although I'm not certain on that since

    both Canada and the States have been changing their cross boarder regulations as of recent.

    Best thing to do would be to check that out beforehand.

    If you do plan on coming up here a would suggest renting a car for the duration of your stay.

    This would enable you to travel about easier and you could go to places like the Whistler resort

    and get on a ferry to go over to Vancouver Island and visit the Provence's capital Victoria.

    A two week visit would most likely be the best to see the sites and not make it too rushed.

    Weather wise July, August and September are the best months to visit the area. Spring time is

    a bit of a gamble because we get a lot of rain during those months.

    Yes Vancouver is a pretty cool place to visit there's lots to see and there is plenty of beautiful scenery to take in.

  • AllTimeJeff
    What is a "North Dakota?"

    It is a Dakota that is colder then a "South Dakota"

  • villabolo

    "My dream, however, is to be a nomad and become a citizen of the world. How do I make THAT happen??"

    Win the Lotto.


  • thetrueone

    Its true that if you are prepared to move to Canada the immigration department makes it easer if you bring in some money to

    establish a business and add to the economy. The easiest way though would to find a company that wants to hire you

    and then that company acts like a sponsorship for you, you first apply for a working visa which isn't difficult and your on your way.

    Over a period of time of working here you become eligible to apply for Canadian citizenship and there you are.

    Being that the US economy is not doing so well right now , I foresee allot of Americans moving up here seeking prosperity and a better way of life..

  • kurtbethel

    The border people would not let me into Canada back in 2003 because I was with my brother and he had contraband. What contraband would that be? It was books that they did not approve of. There is nothing corresponding to the first amendment in Canada. Immigration is tough because there is a checklist and a point system, and the average person may not score enough points to be allowed in.

    I wish the USA had an immigration system like that, as it currently lets nearly anyone in, which drives down the average wage.

  • Robdar
    Also, I am a Socialist Marxist Fascist. Should be a match made in heaven.

    Ha! As did most of the Socialist Marxists Fascists I hung around with when I was younger, you'lll get over it. It'll probably happen when you get to meet some real marxists.

    Have fun in Cananda. It's a lovely country--too bad about the freezing temperatures.

  • dissed

    Have you thought of getting some professional help? With your Canadian problem?

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