Faders are indeed a very large doormat

by moshe 132 Replies latest jw friends

  • moshe

    Sorry, to be so blunt- For a whole day I have watched people here patting themselves on the back- we're a large army, oohh, look out WT, we might do something, well not today or tomorrow, but someday! Maybe, I have to just accept that a lot of JW's who are exiting the KH by the back door will never find a backbone to stand up to mummy and elder daddy.

    JW's have a learned ability to see themselves in a better light than everyone else sees them. Ask a JW, if they are a charitable religion and they would likely all say they are, but when pressed to name a charity they will be unable to do so. If you asked a JW fader to write a letter to the local newspaper (and sign it) exposing the evils of shunning by the WT org, they will have to decline,- if you ask them to help distribute flyers or hold up a sign at an assembly exposing any number of WT evils, they will decline. If you ask a fader to join an ex-JW meetup at a local restaurant, they will beg off, (somebody might see them with a df'd JW), if you ask a fader to ask this question at the next KH meeting they go to, " Will a blood transfusion save the life of a starving man?", they would likely say, no, as it could cause them "problems". Even though JW's continue to kill their kids over the wicked WT blood dogma every year and if outsiders don't sound the alarm, who will? . No, this fader army, will leave the task of exposing the WT evils to someone else. Fading is a fulltime job for them, just like panhandling is a fulltime job for a bum. Maybe, someday this shadow fader faux army will be mount a frontal assault on the WT - that is, when it is safe for them to come out of hiding.

  • No Apologies
    No Apologies

    Well I organize a local exJW meetup group every month, I have written to the local paper to denounce the JW's mishandling of pedophiles, and I don't think I am that unique here.

    Just because we haven't grabbed torches and pitchforks and marched down to the nearest Kingdom Hall, doesn't mean we're not doing anything.

    btw, what have YOU done?

    No Apologies

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    btw, what have YOU done?


  • flipper

    MOSHE- You are painting ALL faders with the same brush stroke it appears. Not ALL of us who are inactive faders are wimps. For one, I have written letters to local newspapers signing it. Also I regularly have walked onto Kingdom hall parking lots while meetings were in session leaving child abuse information in witness car windshields. Also have done this to their cars when they are out in service. I have talked to former JW associates about the " generation " issue, the child abuse issue face to face even while checking my groceries out at a line.

    We have had 2 years straight of ex-JW meetups at a beautiful location here in California and upwards of 25 ex-JW's , inactive faders and DFed met openly together ! As I write this my wife and I have a JW inactive friend ( hasn't attended for a year ) former elders wife who is mounting an incredible assault regarding the child abuse issue possibly in the media. So to say ALL faders don't do what they say is all or nothing, black and white reasoning on your part. Truly, the facts show otherwise

  • sabastious

    Dude, instead of telling us what we ARN'T doing, tell us why we SHOULD be doing those things. Because they sound to me like a whole lotta hot air and wont even put a dent in the WT orginization!

    What WILL and IS putting dents in the WT is the internet. Be a part of the information revolution as much as you can. Picketing outside of conventions is just stroking their egos and confirming their prophecies of "persecution."

    The way to take down the WT orginization is to BOMBARD the internet with truth. So that ANYONE who feels like searching for answers outside of the religion will find them quickly.

    EX-JW groups are good for the EX-JW'S only. But are very helpful in that regard.

    Why would a fader expose themselves in a local newspaper to the congregations? That's a lot to lose and deserves an equally weighted reason.

    Don't die on a hill that doesn't mean anything.


  • moshe
    -btw, what have YOU done?

    If you have to ask that, then you don't know me or Johhny Cip , either.

    Well, wasn't saying that faders were a large army, paintinmg them with a brush stroke, too- a nice pat on the back- for what? Hiding? Living a double life? Lying to themselves? Flipper and No Apologies, you seem to have described yourself as an ex-JW.

    In my mind a fader and an ex-JW are two different animals.

  • Scully

    y'know Moshe, I've said my piece to the JWs in my life. They know the issues I have with the WTS, and there's no denying those issues - even they will admit there's a problem. That said, they've chosen to Wait On Jehovahâ„¢ and carry on as usual, as if their loyalty will someday be rewarded with a magical fixing of the issues I raised that are festering in the backs of their minds.

    In the meantime, I'm going about my life. The WTS took a quarter-century of my life, and I'm not about to spend enormous amounts of time and resources focused on the WTS. Haven't they done enough? Why should I sacrifice any more of my life to give them attention?

    I'm satisfied in my own mind that the WTS and JWs are NOT The Truthâ„¢. I don't need to prove that to anyone. I can just believe it, just as much as a JW can believe that they are without proving it to me.

    FYI, I *have* done some things to raise public awareness about JWs. And if I'm asked about my JW background, I'm not going to mince words. I don't have much hope of family members ever coming out of the JWs, but I'll help innoculate people from ever considering joining them. That's where the best effect seems to be.

  • flipper

    MOSHE- I am an ex-JW. I have not attended meetings for over 6 years. I will never go back, ever. The only reason I did not DF or dissassociate is due to my 84 and 82 year old JW parents who would not talk to me AT ALL if I dfed. They would feel they'd have to observe the WT society's weird legalistic policies. As would my adult JW daughters . Well, one of them STILL doesn't talk to me even as a fader. That being said, I do not consider myself a JW. I rant and rave against them probably more than the ordinary posters on this board ! LOL ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • shamus100

    Hi Moshe,

    I'm not interested in trying to get people out because when they are in the only thing they want more than the truth is some idiot apostate providing answers (synonymous with persecution in dubber psychosis). Best to leave them alone.

    Also, the papers don't really give a hoot about a typical dubber.

    Someone wants to know why I left, well, I'll tell them. They don't scare me in the least.



    I`m a fader..Kind of a Loud Fader..

    I told the elders never to bother me again..


    Who cares how people leave?..Not me..

    I do what I want..I say what I want..I go where I want..

    Do I care if that bothers the JW`s I know?..

    Not at all..

    ........................... ...OUTLAW

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