Faders are indeed a very large doormat

by moshe 132 Replies latest jw friends

  • ldrnomo

    As a FADER, I am able to talk to elders, and rank and file men and women. Though I am careful as to what I say and how I say it I am able to do something that no one who has DA'd or is DF'd is able to do. Communicate with the cult members and possibly give them somthing to think about. You know as well as I do that once we become DA'd or DF'd our words to them are no longer heard. They view us as being insane, a part of the world, possesed by demons etc.

    We no longer have any credibility with even those we considered friends or family

    I appreciate your opinions though.


  • judge rutherFRAUD
    judge rutherFRAUD

    Let's talk about jw's using ppl as DOORMATS. I had reason to go to a public institution this week and needed to speak with a manager, I saw a watchtower mag open on her desk, and asked her why she was reading that garbage. SHE made a smug face and told me it was JEHOVAHS MAG'S. then got up and went to get her bible and came back with someother jw that worked with her. they returned to the office acting like I was a DOORMAT and they were going to teach me about Jehovah. All smart ass in their zelotness. I didn't waste any time and asked what in the world makes you think jesus choose the wts as Jehovah mouth peice on earth in 1914? then ran off a list of fasle teaching / prophecies from that time. they tried the usual bullcrap we " made mistakes" I asked then why does the wt today print that what they were printing in 1914 was bible truth from Jehovahs table? if it was all bullcrap . MY bible says Jehovah can't tell lies. so your telling me that Jehovah made the wt publish for decades lies/false prophices etc. I'm not going to type everything that happened in over an hour. But the point is I made them MY DOORMAT in about 10 minutes , used their nwt to make them call jesus a liar etc etc. It was like TAKING CANDY FROM A BABY. and they knew I had their number. they were so happy they had a customer after an hour talking with me. As I left I told them they have learned more about the wts history/lies in an hour with me them all all the years they spent in the KINGDUM HELL. they just stood there with their heads down, knowing I used them as DOORMATS. I have a feeling that's what Moshe was getting at in his post. jc

  • moshe

    Good point GaryNeal. Are we to say now, that the printed page has no power against the WT org? Just look at all the stories about President Obama- more than 90% have been debunked as a hoax by snopesdotcom. and still they get reworked and sent around the Internet again and again. The false stories I believe are eroding respect for our President. Perhaps, thanks to the Internet, we have achieved total disbelief in any one person's story. Personally, I have only two gripes with the WT org- shunning/breaking up familes and their meddling in a person's medical care, ie, causing the deaths of people from their no-blood dogma. The JW's can waste all their time worrying about , Armageddon, I won't stop that. Maybe the likes of JW-net have taken the place of bold writers who led the way out in the past.

    Thanks JC- yes, how often I have read here about squandered opportunites to talk to JW's in field service. They come right to a fader's home, they don't even know that person as a JW, and they just don't open the door or let them off the hook. I really feel many ex-JW's are still scared of the KH. They could see a carload of JW's in front of the 7-11 store getting ready for the field circus and they just walk right by them- knowing they are going out to mislead people. The most powerful question I was ever asked by a non-JW out in service was, "but are you happy?" after my wimpy answer she cornered me, " you need to stop lying to yoursef". Ouch! She was right and I knew it.

  • garyneal

    Personally, I would love to see a big story casting the society in a bad light that makes a big impact on them the way it has happened to the Catholic church. Perhaps all anyone can do is continue to erode confidence in the society until it finally topples or changes. I think people who expose the scandals involving pedophiles, abuse of the members, and breaking up of families make a small impact one chink at a time.

    Russia already sees them for the cult that they are and I agree with you, the main problems I have are their blood doctrine and the way they tear apart families. If they want to believe that Jesus is Michael the Archangel and that he began reigning invisibly in 1914 and that Armegheddon is just around the corner, so be it.

    At any rate, people who have stood up publically to the society at least made an impact on me and my decision on whether or not I would join. That is at least worth something.

  • Finally-Free

    I wanted my life back immediately regardless of the cost so I DA'd. I could picket conventions, openly write letters to the media, etc., but I can't be bothered putting in that sort of effort to help the same people who treated me like shit for 20 years.In short, I don't care if they waste their lives.


  • dgp

    I agree with Gary. Were it not for faders and ex-JW's I would very probably be a JW by now. Or, I would be very much on the way in.

    If you bother to look for them, there are enough books to read what the WTS is about. These people are doing their job. But, not too many people on the outside really care what is going on inside. We usually think that this is a funny religion and that's it. We don't think it is what it is.

    I don't think faders are not standing up for themselves. Some people have very good reasons not to cut ties with their JW family. I very much understand that.

    I think these are all easy points, and it is easy to agree with them. At least, for me.

  • judge rutherFRAUD
    judge rutherFRAUD

    garyneal; first I like your posts and feel for you. ray franz, carl olof, etc are guys that BLEW OFF THE roof of LIES OF THE WTS . OF COURSE MOST JW WILL NEVER READ THEIR BOOKS I just this week has a talk with a jw and he was talking about Ray franz He gave me wt lies about Ray and I told him about Ray was m ade to write the "aid to bible understanding" book and how some of the thing Ray found out from researching bible history helped Ray leave the wts. so these are great books and have helped many x jw's. I'm just guessing that this jw was saying alot about Ray Fraz. he may have an idea that Ray was on to something. even tought he said he's not allowed to read any apostate books. he seemed to be fixed on ray franz. and I told him enough about RAY that may peek his intrest. to read his book and prove all things true. jc

  • judge rutherFRAUD
    judge rutherFRAUD

    Moshe: I'm glad you talked about the 7-11 they have one here about 5 blocks from the hall. and I've hade more fun at 7-11 stopping presentations, getting jw's run into a busy avenue traffic just from the site of my face. they even called the police on me for talking to the persons they were trying to give mag's to... so much for freedom of religion. hahahahha OH JEHOVAH THEY HATE WHEN I GET OUT THE BIBLE. Moshe remember hardliners that stand up to the WTS ARE A MINORITY HERE. all you can do is hope some will learn from your experence . john cip

  • wobble

    Well done Da Judge !

    Yours is the kind of confrontation I have dreamed of for a long time, the problem is I still live in the same locality I have been in for nearly 40 years, and all the Dubs treat me with respect and shy away from any discussion.

    But an unwary one will come my way, and I shall follow your example and give um Da Works from Da Judge !

    If they have no answer, and they do not, then surely that must make them think ?



  • moshe

    JudgeR, you and I could probably send any carload of JW's running home anytime we wanted. If any faders existed in any KH's I attended in the 70's-80's, they were so wimped out they never said a word. Just a few months ago I called a worldly guy who was a neighbor of mine once- 79 years old- who is married to a JW- amost all his kids became JW's. Mind you he was never a JW, but just as soon as I mentioned something about JW's wasting their life at the KH- no retirement, etc., he nervously changed the subject. He can't even express his own opinon about the KH, he is so under the thumb of his JW family. I wonder how many faders they had at Jonestown?-

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