I'm going poo-less

by rebel8 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • rebel8

    No, this is not my annual March colon cancer awareness thread!*

    A certain poo-less poster here has inspired me to stop using shampoo.

    According to various hippie types, shampoo forces your scalp to produce extra oils and it takes a while to adjust. Sudsing detergents are bad for the environment too.

    Plus they have carcinogens and flying spaghetti monster knows I don't need any more of those.

    So....have you gone poo-less?

    So far I've tried switching to 'natural' shampoo, liquid castille soap, and using hot water only. I relapsed on shampoo b/c I didn't like the adjustment period. In a moment I'm going to try washing with baking soda paste and rinsing with a 50/50 mix of apple cider vinegar/water, eventually titrating so I only need to use water. Wish me luck.

    Overly ambitious goal?

    *Although now that I've thought of it--get a colonoscopy if you're symptomatic, in a high risk group, or at least 50 years old. Colonoscopies prevent cancer!

    Americans, go to Canada to get Pico Salax--very superior to any prep regime America has to offer IMHO.


  • awildflower

    What about the new product on tv called Wen? I think that's the name, starts with a W, anyways it's suppose to not be shampoo because of all those things you mentioned above. I'll try to find something on line about it. I'm all for all natural when we can find good products, and I don't mind paying more for them either.

  • Outaservice
  • John Doe
    John Doe

    I use shampoo about 1 out of 3 times I wash my hair.

  • Heaven

    I am very interested in any natural product because of the issues with cancer as well as other health related problems. I am presently having some skin problems and my dermatologist has said that the number 1 cause of skin problems is fragrance. She has switched me off of a bunch of 'natural' products I was using because they had fragrance in them. Even natural fragrance can cause skin irritation. It hasn't cleared up my problem though but it has helped my skin be less reactive. I think my main problem is stress. I am interested to hear about your experience, rebel8.

    One ingredient that I am very leery about is any sort of 'paraben' type chemical. It is used as a preservative but has been linked to breast cancer so for women this is particularly important. It is in a lot of personal care products.

    I just went to the Wen website and it sounds good but I want an ingredient list and they aren't listing it. So I wouldn't order it. They have to preserve it somehow so the question is how. Also, if it's fragranced (which it probably is) I wouldn't be buying it.

    Bear in mind that in order for a product to be deemed 'natural' it only has to have a certain percentage of 'natural' ingredients in it. Read the labels.

  • zoiks

    Interesting. This is something to look into...

  • PrimateDave

    I tried this before when I had long hair. Longer hair does help absorb more of the scalp oils. Nevertheless, I finally decided to wash at least twice a week, since I lived in a hot and humid climate at the time. I've since cut my hair and gone back to regular shampooing. I find that I need to use an anti dandruff shampoo, and the Wal Mart brand only costs a couple of bucks. I think diet and age have more of an influence on hair health. Since I am mostly vegetarian (mostly whole plant foods, limited refined foods, and very little meat, milk, or eggs), my scalp and hair are in pretty good shape.

  • MidwichCuckoo

    I try not to wash my hair daily, oils and all that. Years ago I saw a programme where a woman tied her hair up (hidden in a scarf/wrap) for a month and when she took scarf (or whatever) off, her hair was perfect...no washing needed as hair is self cleaning as the oils nourish etc... ...so, I thought brilliant idea. I did same. Hair totally wrapped up for 30 days...after which time, took wrap off, and guess what..? Hair stuck to head like I'd had a chip pan on it.

  • cantleave

    Midwich you just made laugh till it hurts. I allowed nature to take over - I'm more or less bald on top and grade 1 everywhere else.


    Very ConstipatedI don`t Poo at all..It`s a Filthy Habit.Very Constipated


    My Bum is much Happier.

    It`s the Happiest Bum on Earth..

    Moony 1

    ............................ ...OUTLAW

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