CO visit provides preview of April generation change!

by agent zero 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • VM44

    Does this CO know the meaning of the word "generation"?

    From the Merriam-Webster online dictionary

    Main Entry: gen·er·a·tion
    Function: noun

    1 a : a body of living beings constituting a single step in the line of descent from an ancestor

    b : a group of individuals born and living contemporaneously

    A "generation" is NOT composed by overlapping one person's life span with another's!

    This is really an insult to everyone's intelligence, including the CO's!

  • JWoods
    This is really an insult to everyone's intelligence, including the CO's!

    I don't know which is worse - the CO saying it, or the people sitting there hearing it and not immediately asking WTF???

    Absolutely ludicrous - and SO OBVIOUSLY intended to cover up for an embarrasing false prophecy.

  • AllTimeJeff

    I am among those who believe that there are certain CO's who are too vested, don't believe, but can't leave. So they leave little clues, getting overly enthusiastic for example over another generation change.

    Amazingly, the more stupid happy you are as an elder or CO, the better you look, even if you are totally being sarcastic. I gave more the a couple of talks where inside I was rolling my eyes (I gave a couple of talks hyping the Kingdom News tract campaigns, and I was so full of saccharin that the real true believers were crying...).

    If this CO really is that excited, all the better. I put even money that he is trying to get some low hanging fruit to think a bit. Being enthusiastic about another failed prophecy is a good way to get the gears creaking. I know it worked with me. Whenever a CO said "We've changed again, isn't that great?" I thought, "No, not really...."

    I remember one CO saying "We are a progressive religion. Do you really want to be a part of a religion that never changes as the light gets brighter?" Call me cynical, but looking back, I don't think that was an accident. I think that was a way of saying "We are going to change whatever, whenever it suits us."

  • minimus

    As "CLEAR" as "shit".

  • straightshooter

    It is just amazing how the WTS justifies the generation issue so the end hasn't arrived. Then they claim that this new generation understanding means the end is right around the corner. It makes me sick.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Drag your JW to the nearest computer, show him this and ask him to read it to you.

    Ask him if it's The Truth?

    If he says it is .... Download the April Kool Aid and ask him to read the change paragraphs to you. Ask him if it's The Truth?

    Would you like to live in Paradise? If your answer is 'Yes,' you will be thrilled to know that when Jesus spoke of today's troubled system and "the sign" of its approaching destruction, he added, "This generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur." Some, at least, of the generation that saw the "beginning of pangs of distress" in 1914 will live to see Paradise restored on earth. (Matthew 24:3-8, 34) However, it is a sad fact that most people today are on the broad road that leads to destruction. (Matthew 7:13, 14) There is little time left for them to change. How thankful you can be that Jehovah has provided warning in time! Because Jehovah wants you to have life, he will help you to take the right steps.—2 Peter 3:9; Ezekiel 18:23.

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    I can confirm this wasn't isolated to one CO. I (unfortunately) listened to this same talk Sunday at the CO visit and while he didn't mention this was a completely new teaching, he spent at least 10 minutes of the last part on Sunday speaking on this subject. A couple of things he mentioned:

    Compared the generation mentioned in Matt 24 to the use of the word generation to describe Joseph's brothers

    My comment - exactly, a group of brothers would make up a generation even if there was a good bit of age between them but to include parents + kids in a generation is stupid and incorrect. That's like saying I'm in the same generation as my grandmother because we both witnessed 9-11!

    Specifically said this "generation doesn't include "new" annointed, only those who became annointed while the "first part" of the generation who saw 1914 was still alive. To illustrate, he said that Franz was the last of that first group and (direct quote) " younger members of the GB whose lives overlapped with Franz were the second group. These ones are in their 60s and 70s now so the time left is short".

    My comment - I really think they are trying to set up a senario where 2034 is the new 1975. They know that an end time religion needs a date or you get what the WTS has become, a hollow shell of its former zeal. They can't risk moving the 1914 date and realize the wishy washy generation is all annointed argument didn't motivate anyone. So, they've created a 2 part generation in hopes of rejuvinating the troops. But after the meeting, not one person mentioned that they just heard a major change!

    We've talked about how the WTS is at a crossroads. Do they mainstream and try to retain the 2nd and 3rd generation JWs in the West or do they go full bore into wackiness and end up with a smaller but more dedicated and motivated flock. It seems they are choosing door #2.

  • fokyc

    Ah! But this is 'New Light', - - - - - - "Isn't it?"

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I almost wet myself laughing reading this. How can the dumb sheep believe this BS?

    Google or check out my thread on the Solomon Asch Conformity Experiment.

  • Kum Vulcan
    Kum Vulcan

    Lemme get this straight:

    Applying the newest borg logic, the BABYBOOMERS generation overlaps witht GEN-X or GEN-Y...then are the BABYBOOMERS GEN-Xers?

    Or vice versa?

    How do you see old Teddy Jackass with an i-phone twittering his latest facebook updates...


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