CO visit provides preview of April generation change!

by agent zero 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • cattails
    Honestly, I don't understand why they bothered to bring up the subject or what they hope to accomplish by pointing Witless attention to this prophetic failure.

    I think I do understand why they do bother to bring this generation subject up.

    It's probably meant as a filtering out of those who aren't truly convinced and brainwashed.

    If you're conscious of the WTS lies then you'd probably get so sick of the nonsense that you'd

    end up leaving the 'fold'. That way they're left with the un-thinking, un-questioning drones who'd

    do anything for Mamma WT.

  • yknot

    ohhhh no .....

    I see an Elijah-Elisha mantle pass comparison in the future......

    But why rush it Bethel spies...... technically you can save that one for Jan 1, 2035!

  • bobld

    So are the generations from Adam overlapping?


  • jamiebowers
    "Stay alive 'til 2975!"

    Sir82, that got a snort and a chuckle out of me!

  • yknot

    ..... You know in the bigger scheme of things.....

    It is going to be far more interesting to see what they can come up with after 2015.......

    This is just to cover their theocratic asses and to buy a bit more time....

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    oh they will go on and on about false prophecies on 2015. It;s like they get to make up for 1975. But the 20 year countdown to 2035 begins. How did it look in 1955 about the end?

  • SouthCentral

    I wonder if they will pass out free breverages at the meeting for the April 15th, WT. This is really incredible. What thinking or intelligent person can actually believe this? The average JW will not be aware of this for another 5 years (or 3+ changes).

  • coffee_black

    At the last Circuit Assembly I attended... in the early 90s, the co said during his talk that the Holy Spirit had very little to do with the preaching work. It was one of my personal Ah Ha moments.... I remember my mouth flew open....and I stared at him. I think he saw the expression on my face... he looked uncomfortable... Then I looked around me...and realized that no one else caught it....or if they did, no one else reacted as I did.

    I felt like I was in the twilight zone.... and of course later (much later) realized he was telling the truth... The Holy Spirit really doesn't have anything to do with the "preaching work".

    Hopefully, this generation "new light" will become the ah-ha moment for some jws....


  • Pistoff

    They are stumped, that is the thing. They don't have a clue.

    The last explanation was that the generation was a group, Jesus' brothers, making it the only instance ever where Jesus used 'generation' to mean anything other than unbelievers.

    But now they are explaining a word used to describe a passage of time, a measurement of time, to mean NOT a measurement of time, but overlapping time.

    But then they say, it is not unlimited.

    Not only are they CLUELESS, they are also ARTLESS in this explanation.

  • WTWizard

    Nice waste of excitement. They are trying to make it sound like the end is about to happen, when in fact they really pushed it back another 120 years (and have the potential to push it back another 120 years, as many times as it takes).

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