It could be some are 'stunned' and don't know what to think of it. The Watchtower creates ones to have so much self-doubt, will condemn themselves. But some will have their brains start to churn, and that can take some time to sort.
CO visit provides preview of April generation change!
by agent zero 43 Replies latest jw friends
I have a less sinister and more down to earth explanation for the blank stares:
APATHY - which leads to minds wandering and the human desire that the meeting will soon be finished.
The Watchtower knows full well that very few among the rank and file question "new" light. Most JWs are sleep walking their way into the "paradise" - no wonder they don't become upset when it never arrives.
I think STEVE 2 makes a very good and important point which goes along with what I posted at the bottom of pg. 1 - That witnesses are so " mind controlled " and Zombie-like that they sit through those hypnotizing meetings not paying attention at all to what the speakers say. They are " conditioned " through monotonous speakers with zero speaking ability to listen to monotone type instruction which is like eating stale dry toast but being controlled to think it's sufficient . Same old, same old .
It's like that illustration they gave at a circuit assembly one time about advertisement songs. Advertisers know if you hear a commercial or song in a commercial at least 15 times - it will stick into your mind like second nature- and you'll never question it . Thus if these witness people hear these loaded terms like " generation " or " the end " or " Armageddon " or " 144,000 " or " faithful & discreet slave " hundreds of times - certainly more than 15 times - as time goes on their MINDS are CONDITIONED to NOT QUESTION at all ! They get totally conditioned into banality and sameness . Critical thinking ability goes totally out the window ! Really sad.
The only thing that can break the mind control is if they get jarred out of their cult mindset to think outside the box by some injustice or something that shocks their authentic personality. Even trying to do that is challenging ! LOL ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
I think STEVE 2 makes a very good and important point which goes along with what I posted at the bottom of pg. 1 - That witnesses are so " mind controlled " and Zombie-like that they sit through those hypnotizing meetings not paying attention at all to what the speakers say.
I cannot speak for the JWs in countrys other than New Zealand, but my impression is that the apathy evident among New Zealand JWs has less to do with mind control and more to do with the "easy going" character of many New Zealanders. There's no danger of the JWs in this country ever questioning doctrine but - and the Watchtower knows this - more likelihood of the rank and file simply becoming bored to tears with the tedium of the message. This ain't mind control - this is just plain old-fashioned apathy.