I just want to say how much I hate the f***ing cult

by Confuzzled 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • thetrueone

    YA I know Garyneal, but sometimes a little observational honesty can open cracks into peoples minds

    and force them to rethink things where they're heading.

    If you were to present much of the past history of this organization to JWS today many eyes would be opened,

    not all of course but many indeed would.

  • Confuzzled

    Yes, many eyes would be opened, but not all 8(. I think its rule number #25 in the JW handbook: Research the questionable history, and all the warts in every other religion, but your own, because everything contrary to what the WTS puts out is false and written by apostates or people who don't know what they are talking about. Only active JWs in good standing can give a truthful history about the cult. 0_o.

    Yeeeeaaahhhh I've heard thatone about 2000 times.

    I think this dead horse I've beaten is decomposing and mummified. It may be time to bury it. Like it has been said, it is like a drug addict. They will only give it up when they realize on their own it is a problem.

  • thetrueone

    If I had a GF that felt she couldn't leave the disingenuous cult, I would certainly press on with

    exposing the all the background corruption for which it's structured on.

    Their latest spinning trickery for example is changing the generation once again,

    they've actually have the balls now to recompose the words in the bible to fit their already

    run out doctrines. They are so sacred now of the flock opening their eyes and leaving in regard to their past foul

    doctrines they put out a JW only WT.

    Without the flock supporting these men ( GB members ) they are just weak and powerless, not to mention poor.

    It seems they will do just about anything at this point to hang on to power and their livelihood.

    What is the theme for this summer assembly " Hang on to your Spirituality " or protect your spirituality,

    in other words please don't leave us, because we need you.

  • Confuzzled

    I found this article interesting http://www.jwfacts.com/watchtower/statistics.php .....I even looked up non-biased stats on all religions and they pretty much said the same thing. But, according to an active JW, most of those numbers are fixed, you see, because we are an opressed and hated religion.

  • Confuzzled

    I keep thinking of the wasted hours I've spend researching this. So much laundry to fold, the Twilight series I haven't even read yet, although I bought it some months ago, the sunbathing I could be doing...Hell, I should be studying my own Bible, and getting involved with my own church. I have no desire to become a crusader bent on taking down the WTS, since the beginning of recorded history there have been false prophets, one scorned woman's research isn't going to stop them. I just want him out! I'm at the point where I have 3 options (a) quit my relationship (b) shut up & keep quiet (c) slap on a fake dead eyed stare and become Sister Questionable&SuspectedApostate......

    I don't think I'll be taking option C.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Has he seen the Jehovah's Witnesses Exposed video (in 7 parts) on youtube? It is a bit dated but that just helps to show how long this organization has been pulling the crap it still pulls today. You can explain away some things but if you explain away everything, you've given your mind over to the borg, sadly.

  • Confuzzled

    He wouldn't watch it, even if I tried. Anything I present to him if it is about the WTS, he refuses to watch, read, or discuss. His reaction is always, "Here, call my teacher, I've told you a million times I can't answer you." This teacher BTW, is the one who told him, after I confronted him with the facts about the translators of the raped verison of the Bible: Franz, Knorr, Henschel, Schroder, Klein, and Gangas, that "Franz, you see, is exalted as one of the finest scholars that ever lived. Even non-believers know that."

    Thats all you got? AND YOU BELIEVE HIM?????????????

    I HATE his cult identity. I hate, hate, hate it. It's like a spilt personality, one completely diametrically opposed to the other.

    Just talked to him. He is going away to another state for a family function, and is in a happy mood. I'm pissed because I know he's in a good mood because he attended the memorial last night, and meetings always make him happy, even after nuclear arguments.

  • Confuzzled

    Part of me believes that he believes he will break me eventually. But like I think DPG said, "We are made to not believe."

  • thetrueone

    and meetings always make him happy.

    Delusional psychosis will make people appear happy, but its really a false happiness that has to be recharged on a continuing basis.

    Brainwashed JWS appear happy because they think they aren't going to be destroyed at Armageddon and that they will live on into eternity

    where everyone else around them are going to die, they on the other hand will live on since they have required the seal of approval.

    Picking apart the psychological profile of a typical JWS is not really a difficult of a thing to do.

    I know, next time your boyfriend comes back from a meeting, have a happy grin all over your face when he returns,

    that should really freak him out, it just might make him overly confused.

  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life


    Think about your child. Do you want to bring your child up in this cult? Do you want your child to believe that you believe the doctrines of the JWs?

    Or do you want your child to have a normal childhood with Christmas and Birthdays? I was raised as a JW. You do not want that for your child.

    It borders on child abuse. It is spiritual abuse.

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