I just want to say how much I hate the f***ing cult

by Confuzzled 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • dgp

    Confuzzled, it's understandable that you don't want to become the WTS's worst enemy. All you want is your witness out. I know that reading all those books, reading all the boards, et cetera, takes precious time which, in the end, you would want to use otherwise, since the witness in question can't seem to even be remotely interested in a little eye opening. I bought something like nineteen books and have read many, but not all, and I know I have months of reading time ahead of me. My witness already pushed me away, and, though I know I might see her again, I know I won't have much chance to influence her mind. But, I haven't given up hope. Who knows, one single line and they might just start thinking. If someone offered me to trade six months of my time for getting her out, I would do it.

    In your case, it's a personal decision whether you want to keep reading or not. I think I will, because I'm liking what I read. The original purpose is now a distant second.

    I see you're making a mistake with your witness. You're talking to him about the WTS. The minute he hears something, he will enter stone-deaf denial mode and won't really listen to anything you say. You have to plant seeds about other religions or other people, so he connects the dots. He can push you away but he can't push himself away.

    I really wish you the best. I'm not sure what the best is.

  • Confuzzled

    My biggest hope in this is that he figures it out on his own, not from anything I've told him. Do to the nature of what he does for a living, I am shocked he cannot see the WTS for what it is, a racketeering and money laundering network. All he sees is good, God fearing people who teach him about the Bible, and wll lead him to salvation. He will not do any research on his own, and will only listen to members in good standing. Although he has been exposed to the teachings for his whole life, he only got so far over the years, and the inner workings and some of the doctrines havent been disclosed to him yet. I know hey arent going to let him go without a fight, he makes entirely too much money for them to not continue to groom him. I asked him recently, "What happens when they get wind of your paycheck?" He told me they already knew. I told him," We shall see how fast the Elders are inviting you for coffee and hinting about the needs of the hall after you are baptized. Will they let you dry before they have their hands in your pockets?" He swears they never would, and it only royally pisses him off.

    I need to stop making nasty comments to him, it doesn't get me anywhere and only puts him on the defensive. I'm going to shhut up about it for awhile, and not erupt everytime he goes to Bible study, it is counter productive.

  • flipper

    CONFUZZLED- Your comment about your boyfriend that you are " shocked he cannot see the WTS for what it is " leads me to think that you are not fully aware of the power of " cult mind control " inside your man's head. Or at least perhaps you need a more detailed understanding of what's going on upstairs in his head. The poster On The Way Out recommended reading Steve Hassan's books " Combatting Cult Mind Control " & " Releasing the Bonds - Empowering People to Think for Themselves " . I also highly recommend those books for ANY of us who have JW cult relatives or friends. Those books have assisted me to talk more successfully to my 2 adult JW daughters ages 23 and 21.

    Your boyfriend essentially has 2 personalities. A " cult " personality and an " authentic " personality he was born with. The WT society and witnesses try to inculcate the " cult " personality to takeover the " authentic, born with " personality so as to have more power and control not only over your boyfriend- but over ALL JW members. That's why they seem monotone like crazy robots when talking about the alleged paradise . It's like every JW is a Stepford Wife really. If you try to confront his " cult " personality he will just get defensive and make excuses for the JW's - you'll get nowhere fast. But if you Stay off JW topics and appeal to his REAL personality he was born with, and keep your conversations real and authentic - you will draw more of his true human emotions out of him- than a cult response. Much of HOW to do this is in those 2 books by Steve Hassan that everybody recommends. First read the books- educate yourself- then you will know WHAT is actually going on in his " cult " head - you will be one leg up on the JW's that way ! Just my 2 cents. Good luck ! Hang in there , it does work if you give it time. But don't sacrifice your OWN beliefs- just to appease his JW beliefs. Just reach out through love, caring, and kindness

  • Confuzzled

    I know a little about cult identities, that is, I can define what they are. I think my problem is that I have a hard time believing that this person in particular actually has one. If you knew this person, you would say, "There is no possible way he could be a JW. There's no way a person like that couldn't see the liquid bullshit that they spray." He can smell a manipulator from a mile off, and I believe, may have a empathic six sense. You don't have to believe in it, but he can look at you and tell you everything about your life. It has a lot to do with his profession, if he couldn't do it, he'd be shitty at his job (another one of those details I'm not going into, you just have to go with me here). That's whats infuriating. With other people without reasoning skills that they are forced to use everyday (his survival depends on it sometimes), I'd say, "Ok, they are ignorant, and easily swayed by a stronger personality, I get why they would fall for it." Its dumbfounding to me. I get so angry because he has no excuse for his ignorance. Now I see he has a definate cult identity, and it makes me SO mad I could spit nails. There is a lot more to this story. a lot more to his story. Long story short, he has a black and white personality that he tries to balance. He feels that the ONLY way he can be forgiven for his past, and to not continue with the darker, "sinful" sides to his personality are to give his life over to servitude to the JWs. He believes they are Holy people who live the way true Christians should. He believes that this is the only way he can get "God Protection" (or whatever) back. He doesn't even consider himself a JW because he believes he is not worthy of the title. He says not to group him in with them because he doesn't want to make them look bad.....OOOOOkkkkkaaaaayyy......

    I'd rather chew tin foil with wearing braces then give this anymore thought. I have entirely to much on my mind right now, to much in my life that should have my attention, and I still have an under lying fear he may find this place. I told him last time we fought, "I give up, let the wolves have you, let them suck you dry, whore you out, make you give up everything that you love because it only appears "rebellious", give up those you love because of it, but I'll be goddamned if I let you expose anybody else to this."

    My brain hurts.

  • Confuzzled

    I'm going to get Steve Hassans books, though....If a window washer with a high school diploma can program him, a unemployed stay-at-home mom with nothing better to do can help him de-program.

  • leavingwt
    I'm going to get Steve Hassans books, though....If a window washer with a high school diploma can program him, a unemployed stay-at-home mom with nothing better to do can help him de-program.

    Yes! I love your positive attitude! Never lose hope.

  • dgp

    Greenie, YKnot posted a thread with a few of the books every new convert is expected to read. It is SOMETHING, believe me. Here's the link:


    The Theocratic Book is certainly a pearl. It can sort of shock you, but eventually you get over it.

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