you guys are deaf????
wow I suppose if I signed into the monitor you wouldn't be able to read it though.
A couple of weeks ago I saw a couple of deaf fellows walking along the street. I passed them and then doubled back and waved to get their attention. I asked if there were any groups for the deaf here. They waved me on and said they were on tehri way to a meeting just down the street and if I wanted I could come with them. Felt a little odd but I followed. They went to the community center around the corner from where I live. I entered a room full of flying ASL.
One fellow introduced me to his wife who if the preseident of their club. I was invited back but haven't been able to get there yet.
I have been signing to myself around the house to get my speed up. And they were very patient and slowed down so I could read them. That was never my strong point