Most-Ignored Scriptures by JWs

by Mad Sweeney 508 Replies latest watchtower bible


    Plankton wrote

    Any of YOU pray to "I AM? Did He say THAT Name would be His...FOREVER?

    I would bet that the Jews who heard Moses speak of God prayed to I AM. I know for a fact that they did not pray to Jehovah, because that name was not in existince until the 13th century ad.

    It is written what is written. What is written is the word of God. It seems that these scriptures don't agree with your mental taste, eh Plankton?



    designs wrote

    So Stephen, why does the Trinity version of god like to appear to Catholics as a face on a burned Tortilla but in your Church he appears as a pulsating crotch on an old guy and as Miracle Rice Crispy's. How come the Fundamentalists never get the Tortilla version.


    The short answer is because Catholics have the truth and God lets them know by small signs and blessings.

    We can all understand that you were taught that the trinity is false. It is truely up to us all to test the if we are in the faith. Scripture indicates that one God is made of three beings. The Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost are all called God in scripture. You think because the Father is called Almighty that Jesus and the Holy Ghost are lessor gods?

    Should you believe in the Trinity indicates that there is no Trinity. Should you believe booklet is filled with lies. Not my opinion, that is a fact. If the Trinity was false, then why lie in a booklet? If it were false, one wouldn't have to lie about it, it would just be false.

    The Church fathers believed in the trinity. They were taught by the apostles and they would defend against twisters of scripture.

    One question for any anti trinitarian. If Jesus is a god and not God, then what kind of god is he, a true god or a false god?


  • PSacramento

    Or, one can ask, If Jesus is NOT God, then what is Jesus?

    Paul and John both say he is the ONLY begotton Son of God, not created mind you for NOWHERE in scripture will you find it said that Jesus is created.


    And if Jesus was NOT created, what was he?

    And If he was "born" of God, that makes Jesus what?

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    He's God's Son, PSac. He is The Way.

  • theMadJW

    He is God's ONLY BEGOTTEN son. For all others were begotten...thru HIM!

    He is the FIRSTBORN of all CREATION, the BEGINNING of the CREATION of God.

    He is Archangel.

    Messiah, Savior.

    And now- the King of Kings- all because the ONLY true God GAVE him that authority.

    NO ONE can give God power, nor authority.

    EVERY scripture showing this- IN ORDER:

    Being started, every scripture in order showing what DEATH really is:

  • Chalam

    Galatians 3:26-27 (New International Version)

    26 You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, 27 for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. Blessings, Stephen
  • designs

    So Stephen, you're up bright and early,..... doing your Evangelical Regular Pioneer work. How many hours are you reporting this Month

  • Chalam

    Hello designs,

    Yes, I was up nice and early but I went fishing.

    Have you been up all day waiting for a bite? Looks like it took you only four minutes to land your catch!

    No reporting being done, that is for JWs. I have my salvation, I do not need to earn it.

    To answer your question, I guess my time evangelising totals something similar to yourself.



  • designs

    Great Stephen so proud of you, you almost got upstaged by some newcomer here but he seems to have faded, say did you ever get the Tortilla vs Rice Crispy thing figured out

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    So Stephen, you're up bright and early,..... doing your Evangelical Regular Pioneer work. How many hours are you reporting this Month

    Looks like you have more in common with the anti-trinitarian themadJW, than stephen. Your hatred for Stephen runs just as deep.

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