Have you asked him to join the board? He'd be a really good addition here
My Son Responds to his JW Mom's Condescending " Guilt Inspiring" E-Mail
by flipper 85 Replies latest jw friends
That was great! Thanks for posting that Flip.
cognizant dissident
Wow Flipper!
That is one of the best, if not the best, email responses to any JW I`ve ever read on this forum. You have reason to be proud of that young man and no reason to worry. He is both intelligent and wise beyond his years.
I love the way he stood his ground like a mature man, told it like it is, but still retained a loving and respectful attitude to his mom, opening the invitation to have her in his life, but still expecting she respect his boundaries.
Just great! If that doesn`t wake the ex up, I fear nothing ever will!
life is to short
I totally loved it. I was laughing so hard for part of it. I loved the way you son thinks. You have to be so proud of him.
All I can say is right on.
Sorry flipper, that's all I can summon up right now to describe that e-mail. I know you're proud of him and you're damned right to be.
"When the people of the nations do... BY NATURE... the things of the Law... they ARE a law... unto themselves."
Your son is the epitome of this truth, dear Mr. Flipper, and you are blessed to know him. He fulfills, IMHO, the definition of a true "sheep"... through and through. I hope to meet him... soon. For now, love him hard (I know, you already do!).
Peace to you!
A slave of Christ,
Broken Promises
An awesome letter from an obviously awesome guy.
(pssssst, has he got any older brothers? )
As with the first installment of this situation, I have not read everyone else's comments, but....WOW. BIG kudos to your son. I don't even know the guy and I'm super proud of him and how he laid it out for "mom". He was both respectful and yet showed how ludicrous the whole thing is. He sounds like an awesome guy and I bet you are one proud father. I know I would be!!!! (if i was a guy, anyway LOLOL)
Wasanelder Once
Sorry flip, I haven't kept track, is little flip baptized? I'm sure he must not be if Uber Jw Mom is still in contact. Glad he is grounded in his own mythology to withstand the paternal guilt trip. I'd love to see his garden. We have ground squirrels here who wreck havoc on ours! W.Once
No boogey man?
Why have I been checking under the bed all these years?
Snoozy (Good job by the way)