Your other sister just got a call and her husband has a part in the Drama at the District convention. I guess you would probably not want to have nothing to do with coming.
So true, but I love how she manages to spin it in her mind toward a "hatred." I mean, if someone's close relative was getting married in a church, something a whole lot more important than lip-synching in a costume with a fake beard, she wouldn't go near the place.
We have training for the building of the Kingdom Halls, Regional Building Committee has just called me and asked me to take care of organizing 85 hot meals through our congregation this Saturday at noon.
She left out " our own expense." The organization burdens members and calls it privileges. If your son organized 85 meals for the homeless, she would scoff at his efforts, but she'll get them for 85 people with homes and jobs that could pay for it and thinks that gets Jehovah's seal of approval.
Yes son - it's a real privilege to serve with over 7 million brothers and sisters around the world, not going to war to kill each other- all our meetings have exact same information, word for word, from the Bible, every week- truly a worldwide ( mind control cult ) organization.
Such another spin. The exact same information and the war thing are her cry of "unity." "Conformity" works just as well. Or "turning off our brains and letting others tell us everything" works just as good.