Wow ! Thanks so much for all the compliments to my son and caring replies ! My son and I worked all last night on my jobs and He was very touched by ALL your replies ! I should try to get him to sign up here on the board- I'm sure with his experiences he would be a great assistance to other young people who have exited the cult ! Gonna work on him joining. Thanks. I'll reply to pg. 1 first.
Replied to Outlaw & Sweetpea already, I'll go next in line.
SPAWN- Thanks. I will keep you posted and up to date. My son is aware of his mom's cult mind controlled influence and he is very clever with his word choices. I'm very proud of how he expresses himself.
BABA YAGA- Thanks ! I thought the " Who is really the puppet " ? thing was great as well ! He is a great young man - I constantly lear a lot from him as well. Thanks sis.
MAD GIANT- My son has a way of cutting to the chase and cutting through the BS to blow JW's minds with reason. You saw he blew a hole in the superstitious " Satan belief " and he just continued on from there ! I think " Wow " pretty accurately describes what my wife Mrs. Flipper and I felt after reading this too.
PRMITIVE GENIUS- Thanks dude. Appreciate it.
NUGGET- Yes, my ex-wife did get it back in spades. She'll probably be taking pain medication to relieve her JW headache which I'm sure will follow after trying to sort through his fantastic " authentic " E-mail ! LOL !
CANTLEAVE- If I was a betting man - I wouldn't bet the ranch on my son's mom being reasonable and accepting of his E-mail- however miracles do happen occasionally I've noticed in this life ! LOL ! All we can do is hope he hit his target inside of her with SOME of the points. I'll be happy if at least 1 point got to her. If she wants to have a relationship with her son she is going to have to pursue the relationship on HIS TERMS . He's done with giving in to her cult expectations.
QUANDRY- Most mothers WOULD appreciate this type of letter- but remember " cult mind controlled " mothers aren't like MOST mothers. I do hope that some of his points hit her heart though, yes indeed.
BOBLD- Exactly. My son gets it. Now the only question remaining is- will his mom get it ? Time will tell. Yes, I think abusive E-mails SHOULD be not allowed by the WT society. But remember- these are the people who allow no blood transfusions and pedophiles to run rampant. The leaders of this cult are NOT of very high moral character.
WHITE DOVE- That's why I wanted to share this stuff ! My son's writing may assist many others to cope as well !
WHEREWASI- Hey thanks sis ! I appreciate it ! Give a hug to your husband for me and my wife ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
ADIVA- Thanks. I had some tears when reading his E-mail too. He does have a beautiful indestructible soul for sure ! I'm so proud of him.
MINDMELDA- I couldn't have asked for a nicer son ! I am more than proud of him. Outside of my wife Mrs. Flipper- I consider him my best friend. We are tight and very close.
YKNOT- He is a calm man and very much his own man as well. He exudes a quiet confidence. It's awesome ! I'm very proud of him.
STEVE 2- He is more mature than his mother for sure . He is a very stable young man.
DIANA NETHERTON- My son does have a lovely soul for sure. Thanks, I do treasure his lovely soul. I'm sure my EX-WIFE appreciates that as well. As I mentioned in the other thread - his mom and I divorced back in 1998. Most mothers WOULD appreciate an E-mail like this- unless the cult mind control blinds their minds to it.