BLACK SHEEP- Very interesting methods you have. Hey man- whatever works to make them think and get our JW relatives off of our back trying to make us feel guilty about exiting the cult. I agree with you it's better to keep them on one subject ( if at all possible ) with one question as it is a JW tactic to switch from subject to subject thus causing more confusion in the conversation. I'm glad you have been successful to at least make them admit or " own " their beliefs by not allowing them to weasel out of admitting their stance. Also good you are keeping them off your back. Good job, Peace out, Mr. Flipper
My Son Responds to his JW Mom's Condescending " Guilt Inspiring" E-Mail
by flipper 85 Replies latest jw friends
What a great son you have, flipper. To be honest, it made me have tears reading his email. I'm not saying your ex is, but you would have to have a heart of stone not to contact him straight away and just say "lets catch up and have a normal mother and son relationship". At least you can talk and reason with a person like your son. Very nice
Black Sheep
I agree with you it's better to keep them on one subject ( if at all possible )
Believe me. It is possible. You have to be pretty staunch about it. Don't get sucked into any diversions. They are the masters of diversion. Once you have mastered the skill of not being diverted they are in deep doo doos.
ETNA- Hey, thanks. I think if my ex-wife had not had years of indoctrination in JW cult mind control- she would have been more human and loving towards our son for sure. This WT cult just takes away the " authentic " human personality out of people. My son's letter was so caring and loving - anyone not mentally off would be touched by it.
BLACK SHEEP- Yeah, I know it's possible. They are masters of diversion. I try to stay on one topic also with my JW daughters . Seems to work better
White Dove
My goodness, what a response! She only read the parts where he disagrees with her brand of religion and then twisted it all up.
WHITE DOVE- Exactly. She only addressed the parts where my son disagreed with her- then she twisted that up as well ! Now you see why I had no communication in my 19 year marriage with her. Like talking to a brick wall